Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yet another Iowa trip

Hello everyone. Last Thursday was my monthly U of M appointment. I weighed in at 17 pounds 8 ounces and I was 26.25 inches long. I'm moving along fine and they told Mom and Dad to keep up the good work. My throat culture did not grow anything which is good, no more Tobramyacin or Cipro!! I also have another tooth coming in, soon I'll be chewing on some real food.

Last weekend we went to Iowa again. It is a long drive, but we take turns driving.
This time it was for my Godparents' (Jason and Jessica Unruh) wedding. Friday night Mommy stayed with Jessica at her house so Dad and I stayed in a hotel with Grandpa Larson and Daddy's friend Matt Redling. On Saturday we hung out at the church all day because Mom and Dad had to be there 4 hours before the wedding for pictures. By the time the wedding was supposed to start I was really tired! I missed the wedding because I was watching the Iowa/Iowa State game with Grandma Ann. Mom and Dad left the wedding in a limo with Jason and Jessica so I went to the hotel to eat with Grandpa Larson and Grandma & Grandpa Eaton. As you can see all of my grandparents were at the wedding. They all took turns holding me during the reception, that is when I wasn't out on the dance floor. I am an excellent dancer, at least that's what everyone told me. We saw a lot of new and old people and had a great time! Here's some pics from the reception.

Sunday morning we went to see Mom's friend Tara and her two girls Ashlynn and Lauren. Tara's husband Jeff grilled burger and hot dogs and Mom and Dad visited with them while I played with the girls.

That's it, the weekends just fly by so fast. This weekend Grandpa Larson will be coming for a visit, so I'll write more then. Take care everyone.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Lots of Firsts

Greetings again from busy Michigan. I have had many firsts in the last 2 weeks. First of all, I have sprouted my first tooth. Very exciting for Mommy and Daddy. Looks like another one is not far behind. Daddy also got me ready for the NFL opening game by decking me out from head to toe in Viking gear.

I also wore my Michigan hat to cheer on our Wolverines but they have proven to be a losing team this year. I believe I will still sport the hat but maybe I will stick to pro football games this season.

Mommy and Daddy took me to Heritage Park in Canton, Michigan on September 2nd. We had a good time taking a stroller walk around the ponds, swinging on the jungle gym and splashing in the water at the splash park. Here I am on the swing.

Mommy took me down the slide.

Daddy climbed the tower with me.

The splash park was fun but I mostly enjoyed walking in the puddles.

I have also started pulling myself up. Mommy and Daddy bought me a lion I can use to walk around with. I really enjoy getting rides on it though. Mommy and Daddy's knees are killing them!!

I also got my first black eye. I was eyeing my piano too close and caught the corner of my right eye on the edge of the piano. I cried for a while but then it didn't seem to bother me too much. Mommy tried to get a photo but it's hard to see.

Well, that's enough firsts for now. Hopefully all of my firsts will be nice ones next time.

Love and hugs,


Monday, September 3, 2007

Another Iowa trip

I have managed to get back on the computer in a more timely fashion. Things are still busy but I felt it was necessary to update everyone again. I have once again discovered my piano. I am quite good at playing my music and sitting up to do so. Check it out.

We went to visit Iowa again the weekend of August 17th-19th for Uncle Josh and Aunt Maria's wedding reception. We met some of Daddy's Minnesota family as well as a few friends of Mommy and Daddy's that I hadn't met yet. I got to go visit Sol and Erin Miller at the Baty residence. It was nice to finally meet them along with Erin's mommy and daddy, Corliss and Suzanne.

I also got to visit Grandpa Larson at Eden Valley in Baldwin, Iowa. Mommy and daddy have spent a lot of time here at the cabin. Daddy gave me the grand tour along with some bouncing fun on the swinging bridge.

On Saturday morning we went to visit Great Grandpa and Grandma Scott. Here I am sitting on Great Grandpa's lap. I had a good time grabbing his face and hat.

The weekend of August 24th-26th mommy got on an airplane to Iowa all by herself. She was going to spend the weekend with Jessica in Cedar Rapids. Mommy tried to pack me in her suitcase because she knew she was going to miss me terribly. Daddy and I did great but mommy says she is not leaving me for that long again for a very long time.

One last picture to leave you with is one with daddy and me. I thought it was cute to be just like him and lay on his pillow.