Sunday, May 20, 2007

Oh Happy Days

Greetings to all of my faithful readers. I'm happy to report that I now weigh 11 pounds 4 ounces and I am 23 1/4 inches long. We went to see my doctors at U of M on Thursday. They were excited to see that I had gained over 2 pounds since my last visit!!! My nutritionist, Hope, decided to up my cereal to 2 times a day. I actually really enjoy it. She also recommended to start feeding me fruits and vegetables. Mommy tried to give me bananas the first day but I didn't really care for them. Daddy gave me pears and I really took to them. I think it's because they taste similar to my applesauce that I get numerous times a day. They also did another throat culture to check for bacteria. CF people will typically carry bacteria in their lungs so if there is something growing they will treat it immediately. We are anxiously awaiting the results. Other than that my treatments are going well and they are pleased with my progress.
Saturday night mommy and daddy took me out to dinner to say goodbye to our friends Shad and Farrah Roberts. They are moving to Okinawa, Japan. We hope they have a safe trip.

We received word that mommys friend Jamie (Niess) Kotewa had a baby girl on May 17th. Her name is Mallory and we can't wait to meet her. I hope she enjoys the toys that I sent to her. Oh, by the way, I now know how to online shop (Mommys favorite).

Last but not least, mommy has a new job. She will be at the same hospital but she will be in the float pool. Basically she "floats" to wherever she is needed. The good part is she can make her own schedule and her pay has increased. The goal is less time at work and more time with me!!!
That's all for now.

Love Luke
P. S. Mommy and Daddy couldn't decide on these two pictures so you get to enjoy both of them. What do you think of my bibs?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mom's day to my Mommy Amber and all other mothers in the world. Did you call your Mom today? If not you better call her right after you read this. Last night Daddy helped me get Mommy a card and we also donated money to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for her. On the website there is a link to "Give for a Cure". You can donate money there for someone and they send an e-card to them letting them know you made a donation for them. Pretty cool, I think mom really liked it. Speaking of the CF Foundation, did you see the links on the right side of my page? There is a link to the CF Foundation, my hospital, my friend Ben's blog, and the websites of Mommy and Daddy's places of employment. ok, back to mom's we went to the mall to pick up her new bracelet that has my initials and hers on it. I hope she likes it. She has to work tonight so she is sleeping right now while Daddy and I hang out.

What else has been going on?? Well, Friday night Mom and Dad took me out for dinner in Ann Arbor for Daddy's friend Offei's B-Day. It was great to get out and see more people, sorry but Dad forgot the camera. I've been eating really well and Mom and Dad are excited to see my weight when we go to U of MI on Thursday. I've also been getting to go outside more, I really like to be out in the fresh air. Hopefully we can go to the park next weekend.

Oh, Mommy and Daddy want to say thanks to the people Dad works with at NSF for getting me the exersaucer in these pics, I sit in it and play everyday now. It is great to play in while I wait for Mom and Dad to make my food or clean up a little.

Here's a good pic of me napping. Do you remember me telling you I fell off Grandma Kris's bed during a nap? Let's see if I can fall off now!!

Looking forward: Dad tells me there are only 89 days until the first Minnesota Vikings preseason game. Thanks to Grandpa Larson and Uncle Josh I'm ready for game day!!

That's all for now, Love, hugs, and kisses to everyone.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Breaking News - Sign Up Now

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that you can now sign up to get an email when I update my blog, thanks to Look on the right side of this page and type your email in the box and hit subscribe. You may have to allow pop-ups and fill out a verification by typing the letters they tell you to. Then I think you must read your email and click the link they send you. I know it is a lot of work, but then you get to read my blogs right after I post them rather than checking back all the time and wondering if I posted a new blog yet. I know I can't post a blog without pics so here ya go. Love to everyone!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Busy Boy - Part Two

Did you already read part one? ok, here's part two:
Note: To get to part one please see the link on the right side of this page or click here.
Saturday night was my baptism. Everyone from the pizza party was there plus the following people: Great Great Aunt Helen, Harold and Elaine Watters (Daddy can not figure out what relation they are), Great Grandma Beverly, Great Aunt Wendy, Great Aunt Sheri, Grandma and Grandpa Otteman, Grandpa Larson, Uncle Jason, Great Uncle Duane and Great Aunt Linda, Gaye Storlie, Josh Storlie, Cary and Theresa Brock, and of course my new Godparents Jessica Ray and Jason Unruh. Here are some pics from church.
After the ceremony we went to Grandma Kris's house for a party. New people at the party included: Matt Redling, Randy and Linda Duhme, Ron and Vi Yeager, and Ron and Pat Keitel. Sorry if I forgot anyone, but I'm not even 5 months old so I can't remember EVERYONE. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments in my book from the party. Here are some pics from the party.
Sunday morning Eric and Erin Petersen (Pete & Heinzel) came over with their daughter Ava. It was nice to hang with someone my own age, adults can be really dull. Ava was born November 28th so she is just barely older than me. We liked eachother a lot and even posed for some pics.
Mommy wants to say something now. Thanks Luke. It can be hard to tear him away from the computer sometimes. Anyway, Jake and I would just like to thank everyone for coming to make Luke's baptism so special. I especially would like to thank those of you that came so far. I'm still so shocked at the surprise of your visit. We would also like to thank my mother and Bob for having Luke's party and Ann and Bill for providing the sandwiches and veggies. A HUGE thank you to Grandma Dorothy for donating not only once but twice to the cystic fibrosis foundation. You truely have a heart of gold. Each donation could mean new treatments or even a cure for Luke. Also thank you for the delicious salads. I know this blog is long so I will leave you with a big hug and kiss to each and every one of you listed. Until next time.

Busy Boy - Part One

Hello everyone. It has been a long time since my last post and a lot has happened. We have so many pictures to post that this blog has been split into two parts. Two weeks ago on Sunday Daddy took my to his friend Ed's golf driving range for a barbeque. It was a lot of fun to get out of the house and see some new people. Daddy tells me that half of the people there were also at the holiday party he and Mom went to the night before I was born. Here's a pic of me with my friend Deepti.
Then last weekend was my baptism back in Iowa. It was a long drive to get there but I was fairly well behaved. Friday night we went to Happy Joes to celebrate Kaiden and Maeghan's B-days. This was the first time I had met my cousins and my uncle Scottie. There were also a lot of other new and not new people there: Great Grandma Loujean and Great Grandpa Dale, Great Grandma Dorothy, Great Aunt Glenda with her kids Bayne and Claire, Great Uncle John, Great Uncle Dave and Great Aunt Kathy with their daughter Dawn and her husband Dan, Grandma Kris and Grandpa Bob, and Deb Millwright with her daughters Emily and Kayla. Here are a few pictures from the party.
Saturday morning I hung out with Dad and Uncle Scottie waiting for the NFL Draft to begin while Mom went shopping. Dad layed me on Grandma Kris's bed for a nap in the afternoon. While Dad was gone Mom suddenly heard me screaming. I had managed to either crawl or roll off the bed...first time that happened. Mom and Dad have decided I can only nap with them or in my crib from now on. I met Mommy's friend Brooke who is due June 18th, I can't wait to meet that little one.