Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Michael Phelps look out!!

Hello everyone, its time for a much needed update. A lot has happened since I last posted. A week after my friend Ben passed away Great Grandpa Otteman passed away at the good age of 90. He lived in Lake View, Iowa which is way out west. It is very far away so Mommy and I stayed home and Daddy caught a plane to get there by himself. Everyone missed me, but Daddy said it was nice to get to see some family that he hasn't seen in a long time. The service was very well planned (Great Grandpa ran funeral homes for years) and everything went well except for the weather, but that is to be expected in the Midwest this time of year. It was very quiet at home without Daddy, he's kinda loud. Here is a picture of me visiting Great Grandpa last Christmas.

Next up (and the reason for the title of this post) swimming!! I've been going to "water babies" at the Dundee Middle School for the last few weeks. I have enjoyed getting to "swim" around in a huge pool. I am currently working on perfecting my kicks and splashes. I cannot, I repeat, cannot stand getting my face wet. Mommy and Daddy feel that I am making great progress and decided to continue my lessons. I will be starting another 3 week session next week. It's also fun for Mommy and Daddy to get in the pool with me so I feel more comfortable with my teacher. Here are some pictures from my first lesson. I was quite nervous but did end up making big splashes by the end of the session.


Next, I want to ask everyone to take a look at the site listed below. It is my fund raising page for Great Strides. Great Strides is a fund raising walk for Cystic Fibrosis. At the site you can read all about Great Strides, make a donation to my team, and join me for the walk in Ann Arbor. Check it out at

Ok, finally if you have not been here in a while you can see I have added a few more links to the right side of this site. I have added a few links to other blogs written by people with Cystic Fibrosis. Take a look at them if you have time and are interested. I will also add a link to my Great Strides page soon. I'll leave you with two fresh pictures from tonight...I like chilling on the couch and watching Wheel of Fortune.


1 comment:

G'ma and G'pa Otteman said...

Somehow we missed you're last couple of posts. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Ben. I can't believe Mommy and Daddy let them cut off your curls. I'd cry too. We can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. I suppose you figured out the answer on Wheel of Fortune before your mommy or daddy did. We'll see you soon. Give our hugs and kisses to your mommy and daddy. Keep up with the swimming lessons. Love, G'ma and G'pa Otteman.