Note: To get to part one please see the link on the right side of this page or click here.
Saturday night was my baptism. Everyone from the pizza party was there plus the following people: Great Great Aunt Helen, Harold and Elaine Watters (Daddy can not figure out what relation they are), Great Grandma Beverly, Great Aunt Wendy, Great Aunt Sheri, Grandma and Grandpa Otteman, Grandpa Larson, Uncle Jason, Great Uncle Duane and Great Aunt Linda, Gaye Storlie, Josh Storlie, Cary and Theresa Brock, and of course my new Godparents Jessica Ray and Jason Unruh. Here are some pics from church.

After the ceremony we went to Grandma Kris's house for a party. New people at the party included: Matt Redling, Randy and Linda Duhme, Ron and Vi Yeager, and Ron and Pat Keitel. Sorry if I forgot anyone, but I'm not even 5 months old so I can't remember EVERYONE. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments in my book from the party. Here are some pics from the party.

Sunday morning Eric and Erin Petersen (Pete & Heinzel) came over with their daughter Ava. It was nice to hang with someone my own age, adults can be really dull. Ava was born November 28th so she is just barely older than me. We liked eachother a lot and even posed for some pics.

Mommy wants to say something now. Thanks Luke. It can be hard to tear him away from the computer sometimes. Anyway, Jake and I would just like to thank everyone for coming to make Luke's baptism so special. I especially would like to thank those of you that came so far. I'm still so shocked at the surprise of your visit. We would also like to thank my mother and Bob for having Luke's party and Ann and Bill for providing the sandwiches and veggies. A HUGE thank you to Grandma Dorothy for donating not only once but twice to the cystic fibrosis foundation. You truely have a heart of gold. Each donation could mean new treatments or even a cure for Luke. Also thank you for the delicious salads. I know this blog is long so I will leave you with a big hug and kiss to each and every one of you listed. Until next time.
Luke You are lookin so good. i am sorry that I couldn't make it back from Philadelphia fro your baptism. Your soon to be Aunt Maria and I really wanted to be there. And just as a side note stay away from that Redling character and Ava's daddy Pete they are trouble. I love you and ant wait to see you in NY in a month...
Uncle Josh
He really is starting to look like a Larson!
Ah little Lukie....I LOVED seeing all your new pictures and hearing about your fun advents. I think you are sooooo clever, I signed right up to receive you new updates in e-mail form. I don't want to miss anything. I wish we could have come to see you while you were back to Mommy and Daddy's home town, but it didn't work out and we knew there would be LOTS of people to share your moments of time. Keep growing and grinning. Love Cousin Candy B
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