Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mom's day to my Mommy Amber and all other mothers in the world. Did you call your Mom today? If not you better call her right after you read this. Last night Daddy helped me get Mommy a card and we also donated money to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for her. On the website there is a link to "Give for a Cure". You can donate money there for someone and they send an e-card to them letting them know you made a donation for them. Pretty cool, I think mom really liked it. Speaking of the CF Foundation, did you see the links on the right side of my page? There is a link to the CF Foundation, my hospital, my friend Ben's blog, and the websites of Mommy and Daddy's places of employment. ok, back to mom's we went to the mall to pick up her new bracelet that has my initials and hers on it. I hope she likes it. She has to work tonight so she is sleeping right now while Daddy and I hang out.

What else has been going on?? Well, Friday night Mom and Dad took me out for dinner in Ann Arbor for Daddy's friend Offei's B-Day. It was great to get out and see more people, sorry but Dad forgot the camera. I've been eating really well and Mom and Dad are excited to see my weight when we go to U of MI on Thursday. I've also been getting to go outside more, I really like to be out in the fresh air. Hopefully we can go to the park next weekend.

Oh, Mommy and Daddy want to say thanks to the people Dad works with at NSF for getting me the exersaucer in these pics, I sit in it and play everyday now. It is great to play in while I wait for Mom and Dad to make my food or clean up a little.

Here's a good pic of me napping. Do you remember me telling you I fell off Grandma Kris's bed during a nap? Let's see if I can fall off now!!

Looking forward: Dad tells me there are only 89 days until the first Minnesota Vikings preseason game. Thanks to Grandpa Larson and Uncle Josh I'm ready for game day!!

That's all for now, Love, hugs, and kisses to everyone.

1 comment:

Dale Scott said...

NO NO NO Luke it is 89 days til Patriots start we talked about this just a couple of weeks ago. I will have to get you some pats gear soon so you can be just like cousins kaiden and maeghan. Keep getting better lil dude.

Unc Scottie