Greetings to all of my faithful readers. I'm happy to report that I now weigh 11 pounds 4 ounces and I am 23 1/4 inches long. We went to see my doctors at U of M on Thursday. They were excited to see that I had gained over 2 pounds since my last visit!!! My nutritionist, Hope, decided to up my cereal to 2 times a day. I actually really enjoy it. She also recommended to start feeding me fruits and vegetables. Mommy tried to give me bananas the first day but I didn't really care for them. Daddy gave me pears and I really took to them. I think it's because they taste similar to my applesauce that I get numerous times a day. They also did another throat culture to check for bacteria. CF people will typically carry bacteria in their lungs so if there is something growing they will treat it immediately. We are anxiously awaiting the results. Other than that my treatments are going well and they are pleased with my progress.
Saturday night mommy and daddy took me out to dinner to say goodbye to our friends Shad and Farrah Roberts. They are moving to Okinawa, Japan. We hope they have a safe trip.
We received word that mommys friend Jamie (Niess) Kotewa had a baby girl on May 17th. Her name is Mallory and we can't wait to meet her. I hope she enjoys the toys that I sent to her. Oh, by the way, I now know how to online shop (Mommys favorite).
Last but not least, mommy has a new job. She will be at the same hospital but she will be in the float pool. Basically she "floats" to wherever she is needed. The good part is she can make her own schedule and her pay has increased. The goal is less time at work and more time with me!!!
That's all for now.
Love Luke
P. S. Mommy and Daddy couldn't decide on these two pictures so you get to enjoy both of them. What do you think of my bibs?