Hi everyone. It was a great weekend, I got to watch football (sleep) while Mommy slaved away in my bedroom. She painted my room over the weekend. The color is Del Coronado Tequila, but don't worry, there is no real tequila in my room. I've also been busy teaching Mom and Dad sign language, see the picture below for the "I'm hungry" sign. 
Here's another pic of me giving the "I'm tired" sign.
Here's another pic of me giving the "I'm tired" sign.
In other big Luke news, my umbilical cord is gone!! Daddy found it stuck to my leg during a late night diaper changing session. Today, since I am cord free, I received my first bath where I got to be submerged in water. Wooohoooo, no more dirty spit baths, spit really isn't very clean. I was a crying baby (imagine that) during the start, but when Dad got me in the tub and fully covered with water (except for my head) I calmed down. I didn't even pee like Dad thought I would. I'm looking forward to a calm week at home before our friends Jessica and Jason arrive from the homeland (Iowa). Good bye everyone, we love you.
Hi Lukie,
I'm sure glad that Mommy painted your room. Where was Daddy during the process? I didn't know that you already knew sign language. I'm sure that will come in handy with things you want from Mommy and Daddy. I guess you will have to teach me the next time I see you. Love & Miss you bunches, Grandma Kris
Hi Luke,
This is your Uncle Scottie you should have stayed awake for the first football game the only real team was playing (very well I might add). I am so sorry that you are going to be asked to be a Vikings fan (0-4 in Super Bowls)(and not even an appearance since I was about your age) I will do what I can to save you from a lifelong Viking mistake and bring you to the good side with New England red, white and blue. Also I am gearing up to send you all sorts of messy (easy to clean) and noisy toys and crafts to send your way. I am sure your mom and dad will have just as much enjoyment out of some things as your aunt Theresa and myself have "enjoyed".
Hi Luke!
This is Nolan Oliver.My mommy and daddy are Deanna and Ben.I loved my first real bath too!I'm not proud, but I peed and pooped in my bath the first time.I was a rookie.Now I've got it down to a science and its smooth bathing!My mommy thinks you are sooooo adorable!Oh yeah, we have the same pacifier!Cool huh?Keep growin' man and I'll talk to you soon - Nolan Oliver.
Congratulations on the bath, Luke. I'm happy to hear that Dad didn't drown you. I think your "I'm tired" picture looks more like an "I'm bored" picture. Keep working on Mom and Dad with the sign language. A few sound effects to go with it always helps. You can use different sound effects for different things. I'm hungry - crying, I need a new diaper - use your imagination. Love, G'ma Ann
Hi Luke!
This is Deb,Emily, and Kayla We're so happy to hear that you finally got to take a bath!! We're hoping to come visit you in March when Emily and Kayla have break from school. We cant wait to see more pictures of you!!
Love, Deb, Emily and Kayla
Yeah for the bathtime and losing the "bacon belly" as Troy use to call his "baby sister's umb cord...funny huh?? He would talk so tender to her and say "how's my little bacon belly sister today"?? Luke, tell Daddy we now would like to see a picture of you and your Mommy in your newly painted room. We sure are enjoying seeing and hearing about you and your new adventures. You go Luke!!!! Love you and your family, Cousin Candy Burmeister!!!
Hi Luke . This is Chris Blair a co-worker of your mom's. Sandra J gave this link and I love it. Keep up the expressions and learning and work on the smiles too, Seth says those work the best. One quick smile and everybody will be at your beckon call.
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