We also received some bad news. Luke has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). It was not a complete shock to us since we knew we were both carriers of the gene that causes it. Our pediatrician is getting us hooked up with a specialist from The University of Michigan's Pediatric Pulmonology Center. Information on CF can be found at The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (http://www.cff.org). For now we are just going to monitor him closely and love him as much as possible. We will post an update on Luke's weight and a new picture tomorrow. Take care everyone.
Here is a nice picture of Luke's "I'm scared" face.
Hi from Great Grandma Dorthy (and cousin Candy).....also Great Great Aunt Elaine!!!! We are just so impressed how clever AND adorable YOU are!!! We can't wait to see and hear more about YOU!!! Your Mommy and Daddy are so lucky to have such a smart little boy like YOU. Love you bunches
Hi Handsome,
You are sooo cute!! Kudos to mom and dad on such a good-looking little boy:) Hugs and kisses and see you soon. Love, Michele
You sure do write well for a newbie.
Anyway, had fun with you last weekend with the football and all. Maybe next week we can shoot pool or go bowling. ;)
Hi sweetheart. Nice picture of your scared face. Was Daddy making faces at you? You are a sweetie, definitely a keeper. I'm impresed you've lerned to navigate the internet so quickly. You could teach G'pa Otteman a thing or two. Love you. Give you mom and dad a kiss for us. You're a lucky boy because you have a great set of parents who love you very much.
Hi Little Guy. You are so adorable!! I am anxiously counting down the days til we get to see you in person next week. Until then all of our love, hugs and kisses!! Love, Jessica & Jason
Hey Lucky Baby! Happy New Year, you are looking good Boy. Keep Mom and Dad (especially Dad) on their toes and keep getting stronger. I think of you often, and will keep checking in.
Love Auntie Mel
Hello baby Luke and welcome to the new year! I am your Grandpa Bill's sister Shari and we are so excited to have you in our family. You have the nicest and smartest mom and dad and grandparents. I have a son named Jeremy who was once a baby and is now six feet four. Keep on eating all the good stuff and you will be taller than your mom and dad. Hope to meet you soon. Hugs to you. Shari and Jeremy
Hello Luke: i just want to give you a great big kiss and hug. Tell your Mom and Dad to give you this from me Sandra J
Hello Luke and welcome to this wonderful world. You are quite the strapping young lad, a chip off the old block. Judging by the look on your face, daddy must have told you that Todd Snider cancelled his tour! Just kidding :)
Take care,
Stephen Farrell
Hi Sweetie,
What a cute little puppy dog outfit! I knew you would like it. Mommy says you are eating so good!!! We sure like getting pictures of you, so tell Mommy and Daddy to take pictures everyday. Also, tell Mommy to call me after you go to the Dr. today. We love and miss you soooo much!!! Love and Hugs from Grandma Kris & Grandpa Bob.
Hi Luke!
I am a friend of your Maquoketa family. You have amazing parents & they are very Blessed to have you. I am happy that you now have this site for us to keep in touch with you & your progress. I LOVE pics so will look forward to seeing them often. I am anxious to see one with your first smile!
I had a little boy just your size once & now he is 6'1 & weighs over 200 lbs!! I know the Love that surrounds you will help you to grow very quickly. Today is the day you have your checkup - I will be watching this site for the latest report.
Hugs to you...& Mom & Dad!
Love, Vi Yeager :)
Luke, you may in fact be the cutest baby ever. Tell your parents to take good care of you and to keep feeding you so you get bigger and stronger! Thanks for sharing your info in your blog!
Greetings and Salutations form blizzardry Colorado! Great to see some pictures of ya cutie, I hope your parents take lots. Especially in your second favorite football teams apparel, the Broncos! Keep eating/drinking the good stuff,,, Do they make mt. dew flavored milk, or steak & potatoes Gerber, or how about an caramello bar flavor?
Sending lots of love, Sol & Erin
Glad to hear he is doing so well!! I worked with CF kids for two years. They have many advancements!!! Love ya Brooke
Hey beautiful, you haven't given away to much to your mommy and daddy.. We don't want them to know how much of a genuis you are yet..They might not be able to handle all your intelligence..
Hi Luke!!! What super news; "you gained 4 oz"!!! It is so much fun to see your own blog and see your progress. Tell your Mom and Dad to jump into some of your pictures too. Your baby book is going to be filled with great memories and stories. First outings, meeting new people and all the important stages of your life. Love you little one, Candy Burmeister(your Grandma Kris's cousin)
Hi Luke,
This is Deb, Emily, and Kayla Millwright. What a cutie pie you are. Congrats on your weight gain and keep it up. We hope to see you soon and tell mom and dad hi.
Deb, Emily, and Kayla
Yo Luke, Uncle Josh here...Just giving you a shout out from Philly..I'll be buying you a new guitar and lots of other noise makers as soon as you can stand on your own..Keep rockin!
Hello Luke!
I had the priviledge to meet your mom & dad when they dined in the restaurant I worked in. Your dad sported a t-shirt with Todd Snider's name, and my boyfriend and I had recently discovered TS. Your parents immediately offered to give us copies of some TS shows. True to their word, your dad came back to the restaurant to deliver as promised only a few days later. Unfortunately, I was finishing my shift and had to hurry out the door after a hasty "thank you". A little while later, when I had thought about it, I realized your dad had probably driven many miles out of his way to be so kind. I felt terrible because I had failed to even buy him a drink!!! I always swore I would find a way to return your parent's kindness.
I know little about CF as it has not touched my life in any way until now. As I read you blog and clicked on the link provided, I found a way to thank your mom & dad.
The news of your CF diagnosis enlightened both Terry and I, and we decided to make donations to CF research in your name. Right now, we can only give a little at a time, but I'm sure every penny helps to attain every goal within the CF community.
It's apparent, Luke: You, your parents, and all of your family are so very fortunate to have one another. AND, if everyone in the Todd Snider family are anything like your mom & dad.... you have to be the luckiest Luke in the world!!
Love to Luke and all of his family,
Lynn & Terry
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