Friday, January 5, 2007
I'm a growing boy!!
Hi everyone. Today was a big day. I went in to Ann Arbor to have lunch with Dad and a bunch of his coworkers. I met a lot of new people and they all said I was very cute. I got passed around a bit so people could hold me. Then Dad had to go back to work so Mom and I went shopping at Target. After Target it was time for my doctor's appointment to check my weight. I was 5 pounds 8 ounces!! I gained 4 ounces since Tuesday and the doctor was very glad to see that. I'm just chillin' at home now gearing up for the first weekend of playoff football. Dad watches the games and I sleep. Grandma Ann claims I find football boring, but I'm really only planning on sleeping because the Vikings aren't playing. I am happy to see all the comments you are leaving me, but can I ask one favor? Please leave your full name so I know who you are!! I know a lot of people with the same first name. Mom and Dad are planning to print these blogs and comments and put together a book of them for me later. Thanks. Now, it is time for new pictures. The grasshopper outfit was from Grandma Kris and the blue outfit was from Daddy's friend Ed. 
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Hi Lukie,
Grandma thinks you look pretty cute in your grasshopper outfit and you sure do look good in blue. I'm so proud of your weight gain, so keep up the good work and grow, grow, grow! Love you & miss you and Mommy and Daddy too. Grandma Kris
Hi Luke, This is Ben Randall
My mom is typing this for me since I'm still learning how to use my thumbs. I think you and I are going to have big fun when we get old enough to walk and stuff. My mom thinks you're really cute, but I don't say things like that to other boys. I think you are cool. I hope I talk to you soon. :)
You're a growing boy!!! You look pretty darn cute in those outfits. What would be even cuter is if you had a Hawkeye outfit on. When you come to see G'ma and G'pa we'll let you watch a "real" football team. You probably have as much a chance wearing a Hawkeye outfit as you would Solomon's Bronco outfit. It's those parents you have. Love you, little one. Give a big hug and kiss to mom and dad for us. Love, G'ma Ann
Hi Luke,
I am so happy to hear that you are gaining weight. You look so very handsome, I love to see new pictures of you! I hear you are keeping mommy and daddy very busy!! I am thinking of you all the time-keep on growing! I will see you all soon. Love,Hugs and Kisses:) Jessica Ray
Aren't I cute. I'm sure it's the Johnson in me.
Hi LUKE: You are getting bigger every day. Thats good. Chester and Cecil say bow wow. They are Basset Hounds who think your A very special little guy to. Cecil wants to give you some of his weight. He has 3 in legs and weighs 125 lbs. I think he needs to go on a low cal diet. What do you think? Love, hugs and kisses. Sandra J
Hi Luke, It is very nice to meet you. My wife Sheila and I met your Dad at a Todd Snider concert and had a wonderful time. I know your going to love music and football. I'm a Viking fan too so at least you'll be use to disappointment early in your life :-) Just kidding, I mean what fun would it be pulling for a team that won all the time, most of the time, some times, once in a while, I mean at least make the playoffs. But I digress. We hope to see you in person one day with your parents at a concert. All the best, Cheer's Ken & Sheila Hoeppner, Cincinnati
Hi Luke!
BABY! You are very cute! Thanks for having lunch with all of us! You better come visit again sometime soon!
Hey there Luke, your Aunt Maria and I think that you are a very cute baby, despite your father, must be momma's looks ;)...Tell your daddy to let you wear your vikings booties during football season...And don't worry about sleeping during the games only the Vikings and/or Eagles games count anyway...Besides thats what your Aunt Maria does during the games...We hope to come visit you soon...
Hi Luke,this is an ex co-worker of your mom's in Oelwein,Iowa. My name is Kathy Moser. Sounds like you had a rough time after you were born. All of your mom's friends in Oelwein were praying for you. So glad that you are fine now. Now you just need to gain,gain,gain weight!!! I have faith in you buddy!! I'll just love getting updated pictures of you getting bigger and bigger. Bye for now, Kathy
Hi again little Lukie, Just thought I would check on you and see if you had been online typing on the weekend. I read on one of your comments from aren't a HAWKEYE fan? Oh come on...there has to be some black and gold blood running through your veins...IOWA is where your roots all started. Just really wanted you to know we are all so happy you are here and have so many people loving and caring about the best for YOU and your whole family!!! Love, Cousin Candy Burmeister (your Grandma Kris' FAVORITE cousin!!! ha ha)
Hi Luke,
I'm glad you stop talking about yourself in the third person. It was weirding Ed out. :)
Hi Luke,
My name is Lynda McClelland. I live in Indiana.
I happy to have been invited to your blog spot and proud to leave you a message.
You have beautiful eyes and when you aren't sleeping you look very alert for such a young boy. You have a great complexion for a newbie too.
I am very partial to the picture of you in sleeping in your baby blues.
Love to you and Mom & Dad.....
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