Monday, March 18, 2013

Brynn's third birthday!

Hello friends and family! Winter is still holding on but we are looking forward to spring. We have been doing some fun indoor activities like bowling. We joined our friends for a round on January 19th. If you notice, I almost beat Grandpa Otteman!

I also started a theater class! Once a week on Saturday mornings, I get to go spend some time with other autistic kids and do some acting.
On Jan 31st, we had specials night at school. Mom and Dad came to see what I have been doing in my classes. We played games, had art class, gym time and music class. We painted a cherry blossom in art class.  Mom wants to frame it when I bring it home.

I visited the University of Iowa on  Feb 1st for some feeding therapy. Things went well and they gave my Mom some recommendations to get me to try new foods. We'll see how it goes.
I got to show off my theater skills in front of an audience on the last day of class on Feb 23rd. Mom came and I got to do some acting with her and also I performed a skit all by myself in front of everyone.  Unfortunately, Mom's video camera on her I-phone was acting up and she wasn't able to record my skit but she did get a picture. I did great and I am going to participate in the next session starting in April.

February 24th we had Brynn's birthday party.  Our friends and family gathered for a Minnie Mouse themed party. Here is the birthday girl with her balloons.

Emily and Kayla making Minnie Mouse shaped sandwiches for the kids.

We had face painters come and paint everyone's faces. Brynn was a butterfly and I was Perry the platypus.

Here is the group when we were all done.

Brynn's beautiful Minnie Mouse cake.

She did a great job blowing out the candles.

Brynn and her Godmothers.

The next day was Brynn's actual birthday.  She stayed home with Mom all day while I was at school and Dad was working.  That night, we went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and games.  Here we are with Chuck himself.

Brynn's birthday present was outfits and classes for gymnastics. She started on Feb 28th. Here she is getting ready to go on her first day. She loved it!

Last but not least, I visited my pulmonologist on March 18th.  I weighed 41 lbs and 10.7oz!!!  I GAINED! They were so pleased :) My height was 3 feet 8 inches. Also an increase. I've had a cough off and on since the beginning of Feb so I may have to do an antibiotic. They are waiting for the results of my throat culture before they decide which one to put me on.  I also had my blood drawn and pulmonary function tests.  Here I am doing my PFT's.

Everything else looked good and I will return in June.  I've also been curious about my disease and other kids who have it.  My parents have been showing me pictures of other kids with CF and I have also watched short videos of kids my age doing the things that I have to do.  It has helped ease my fears of getting procedures done. I did my throat culture with ease and I had my blood drawn without numbing cream. I am becoming quite the grown up :)

I also want to mention that my Great Strides walk will be May 4th at the City Park in Iowa City.  We are starting our collection for donations. You can click on the link at the bottom of my blog page to donate.  If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to contact my parents.  You can also send a check or money in the mail.  Just make your check out to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  All donations are tax deductible.  If you have a chance, go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website at and check out the press release for the new medication.  My medication is in Phase 3!!  It is so close! Again, this medication is not a cure but the closest thing to it. Your generous donations have made this possible. A huge thank you to all of you.

I will leave you with a few random pictures. Brynn sleeping after her birthday pictures.

Me using my Smart Vest hose as a fan.

I love doing Math. This is not school work, but just for fun. I definitely get that trait from my Dad.

Love and hugs,

Luke William and Brynn Elyse

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