Well hello my loyal followers. Sorry for the delay in posts, but this place has been super busy. We left off at Halloween. November was busy with school and Thanksgiving; but also Daddy's birthday.

Here I am helping him blow out the candles.

December 1st, Mommy and Daddy bought us a new house!! We got to move in the very next day. Here is my new place.

And here is my room. I love my new train set that I got for my birthday :)

Here is my new bunk beds that Mommy and Daddy let me pick out.

And of course my painting from when I was two months old.

Here is Brynn's room. She got a new dollhouse for her birthday. And yes, she has a double closet. Mommy said that girls need the extra room although my closet is pretty good size too!

Here is our living room, dining room and kitchen area.

I also started at my new school, Novak Elementary. It is right around the corner from us. I am attending Little Lions Preschool in the afternoon five days a week. I have grown quite fond of my new teacher, Ms Cyndi.

My birthday was December 10th. I turned the big FIVE. So exciting! When I woke up that morning, there was a big train set sitting in my room. So cool :)

My friends and family came over to help me celebrate the big five. Mommy set out a rice table and we got to dig for treasures. I think Mommy is still finding rice around the house.

Here are my silly glasses that were in the rice table.

After lunch, we opened presents. My friends helped me a little.

And here is my cake. Team UmiZoomi.

My family all put on silly glasses with me.

After a while I needed to do a treatment. My friend Ava sat with me the whole time and we played I-pad together.

While Grandpa Minnesota was visiting for my birthday, we went out and got a Christmas tree together. Here I am helping with the ornaments.

Brynn and I posing in front of our tree.

On Christmas Eve, we made and decorated Christmas cookies. Brynn is frosting hers and also sneaking a taste. I think she did more licking than frosting.

Here are my finished cookies for Santa.

And Brynn's finished product.

When they were dry, we took them downstairs to put out for Santa. Again Brynn just wanted to eat them.

Christmas morning was so much fun.

Brynn got a doll from Santa.

And I got a karoke machine from Santa.

Brynn was so pretty in her princess dress and shoes.

After a while, both Grandmas and Grandpas came over for Christmas dinner and more presents!

We had a wonderful Christmas and even got to spend some time with Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria, cousin Marlee and Silas. Silas turned one while they were in Iowa. We all got to celebrate on New Years Eve together. Unfortunately, Grandma Dorothy got very sick New Years Day and ended up going to heaven on Jan 4th. We were all very sad :( We miss her very much and often talk about the good times we spent together. Mommy also went to her house and gathered a few toys she had that we would play with together. I also visited the dentist in December and he said everything looked good. Brynn got to go too in January and she also had a good check up. We got a little surprise on January 22nd, Brynn went pee pee on the potty for the first time! She likes to go potty when I do so she sits on her little potty while I sit on the big potty and we have little bathroom chats.
On January 23rd, Mommy took me to U of I to a neuropsychologist. We did some fun things and he asked Mommy a lot of questions about me. Dr. O'Brien came to the conclusion that I have a very mild form of autism. He believes that a lot of my focus problems are speech and language based. I am getting the most speech and language therapy that I can receive at school and I will also be working with an autism specialist teacher at my school. Mommy says we are very fortunate to have such great people wanting to help me do better.
January 31st, I went to U of I again to see my pulmonologist, Dr. Ahrens. I had been feeling sick with a cold for almost four weeks, so he decided to start me on a couple of antibiotics. I also had lost 2 pounds since my last visit which was very concerning. Mommy and Daddy had to think quick to try and get me to eat as many calories as possible which is pretty hard since I am a very picky eater and every time they try to sneak something into my food. I'm on to them. The doctors gave me a month to gain back my weight and get rid of my cough. I was up for the challenge, except, the three antibiotics I was taking were getting me down. I ended up with stomach cramps and diarrhea :( Not good when I'm supposed to be gaining weight. I had a hard time eating for a while so they decided to start me on a Probiotic to help with the diarrhea. It worked and so did the antibiotics, that is until, I broke out in an entire body rash. The urgent care doctor determined that I was allergic to Bactrim. I was already two weeks into the antibiotic therapy when I developed the allergy. The urgent care doctor put me on Prednisone for five days which cleared the rash up immediately. I went back to see my pulmonologist and I had gained back the two pounds and my lungs sounded fine. They decided they would see me in three months. Oy, what a month.
Brynn also started daycare on January 9th. The first week was sort of rough, but now she loves it! She loves playing with her friends and talks about them often. She is learning so much right now like counting to ten, spelling her name and recognizing shapes and colors. And let me just say, she is quite the chatter box. She really loves her babies and animals.
Brynn and I got some bath crayons from Grandma and Grandpa Eaton. They have become our favorite things to play with in the bathtub.

Mommy and Daddy have also taken us sledding a few times at Bowman Woods Elementary. They have the biggest sledding hill!

While Mommy was cleaning out my room, she found a box of odds and ends, and in it was our suckers from Disney World! We were in heaven.

I also wanted to share with you the great amount of valentines we got. Here is sissy's box.

And here is mine.

And just for fun, the three of us snuggling on the couch.

Brynn and I being silly at Grandma and Grandpa Ottemans house.

Well, I think that is enough for now. Next blog I will share with you Brynn's second birthday fun. Until next time.
Hugs and kisses,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse
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