I hope everyone had a great turkey day. Of course I was in Iowa visiting my family and friends. But first I would like to tell you that I had another lung function test done on Nov. 18th. This should be my last for a while as I am too big to fit in the box and I am too little to do what they ask of me. Thank goodness because this last one was rough. Daddy took me to my appointment because Mommy needed to rest for work. My appointment was at 1p.m. and we didn't get home until 4:30p.m. They had some equipment issues during my test. I threw up a few times from the anesthesia before Daddy could get me home. Once home, I laid on the couch and slept. Every time I tried to drink any water I would throw it back up. Mommy decided to stay home that night from work because I was so drowsy and sick. I ended up sleeping 17 hours straight. I was finally able to keep water down after midnight. I didn't go to school the next morning because I was still sleepy and Mommy wanted to see if I could keep breakfast down. By noon I was sleeping again. When I woke up an hour later I had a low grade temp and my left ear hurt. Mommy then had to take me to the doctor and get some medicine for my ear infection. I am happy to report that I am 100% better. What a rough couple of days though. Now on to Thanksgiving.
We traveled to Iowa on Wednesday night. It rained our whole drive home but luckily there wasn't much traffic. We had Thanksgiving lunch at Grandma Ann and Grandpa Bill's house. Here I am with Uncle Jason stacking blocks.

We then went to Grandma Kris and Grandpa Bob's house for dinner. Grandma Kris had a job for me to do when I got there. She needed me to put in the child safety plugs into the empty outlets. Mommy told her I like to do this at home. She gave me a basket full of them and I went to town looking for empty plug ins.

Here I am with Great Grandma Dorothy. It was so nice to see her. Deb Millwright and her girls also joined us for dinner. They gave me a really neat shirt for my birthday!

Daddy's friend Sol stopped by after dinner. Mommy said they needed a mans night out.

On Friday, we went to the farm to visit more family. Here I am with cousins Bayne and Clare. I had to say hi to Clare and lay next to her for a few minutes.

Great Aunt Glenda played tractors with me.

Then it was time to work. I helped by throwing wood down the chute to the basement to be stacked. It was a lot of fun.

After lunch, Mommy's friend Erin stopped by to see me. She was on her way back to Colorado. It was nice of her to stop by.

After dinner we went to Grandma Kris's house. Mommy's friend Jessica came over with her daughter Kenley. We had fun running around the house and chasing Grandma's dog Macie.

Saturday, we stopped out at Eden Valley to take a walk and see Grandpa Bill and Uncle Jason. Daddy and I crossed the swinging bridge and we also took a walk up to the tower.

For lunch we went to Ava Peterson's 3rd birthday party. Here I am eating lunch with the birthday girl. We had fun jumping on her bed and playing with balloons.

Here is Grandpa Bill reading to me.

Grandma Ann got a turn too!

The next day was Daddy's birthday. We had breakfast at The Decker and then went home to open presents. I made Daddy a card and bought him a book and a new Vikings shirt. Grandma and Grandpa bought him a Wii. Of course we had to play it immediately. We had fun bowling. Daddy let me take his turn a few times. Now I have my own player and I must say that I do very well. Daddy also taught me how to play tennis.

Here is Daddy with his Dairy Queen ice cream cake that he just had to have.

We spent the afternoon at Grandma Kris's house watching the Vikings play and having snacks. We went home Monday morning. Traffic and weather was great. I stayed awake for the whole ride except for the last 30 miles.
That's all for now. I'm turning 3 tomorrow and Mommy and Daddy have lots planned for me so I will be blogging soon about my weekend.
I will leave you with a picture of me and my pumpkin tattoo and a picture of me watching our first snow.

Love and hugs,
Luke William
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