Greetings to all my fellow readers. Finally, summer is in full swing and I am relieved to be outside enjoying the sunshine. To update you all on what has been going on I will start back on June 14th.
This is Uncle Josh's birthday and Flag Day so we celebrated both with a bar-b-q and fun in the back yard. Here I am with Mommy's friend Janine.

Later I rode my 4-wheeler with Daddy's friend Amy.

The next morning was Father's Day. I gave Daddy a book and helped Mommy make him breakfast. We enjoyed the day at home spending more time outdoors, mowing the lawn and even going for ice cream after my nap.

I've also discovered that I love macaroni and cheese.

We went to U of M on June 25th for my checkup. They were very happy with my weight gain. I now weigh 23lbs 12oz and I am 31-5/8in. This makes me in the 25th percentile for weight and just below the 50th percentile for height. My body proportion is at 50%. I actually gained 2.1lbs since my last visit in April. They told me to keep up the good work. Everything else checked out fine and they said they will see me again in 3 months. I also have to do my pulmonary function tests again at the end of the month. Not something we look forward to but it must be done. I also went to see my pediatrician Dr. Weinberg on Monday June 30th and he agrees with my pulmonologist that I look great!! I got my Hep A shot and was out the door in no time. I'm still not talking at this point. I'm just waiting for the right moment to make my debut. Dr. Weinberg says that if I don't start saying something by Sept. then Mommy and Daddy should enroll me in an Early Start program.
I shall leave you with a picture of me with my car and yet another haircut. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

Until next time,
Luke William
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