Grandpa Larson stopped by on Saturday on his way back home from Philadelphia where he was visiting Uncle Josh and Aunt Maria. They just bought a house (congrats!) so Grandpa helped them move and do a little work on the new house. He stayed with us until Tuesday morning when he had to head home to Minnesota. Here's a pic of Grandpa and I:
We were alone for a whole two days before we had more visitors. Grandpa and Grandma Eaton arrived on Friday the 11th and stayed with us until Monday. They brought me a new toy box with shapes to play with. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am getting to be an expert at shapes.
Saturday we hung around the house mainly. We did take a quick trip to Cabela's to see the fish though. We played outside and ate dinner on the deck. I even have my own lawn chair for the deck.
On Sunday we went to Heritage Park in Canton, MI where I played at the playground and in a little water park with sprinklers; boy was that water cold. All that playing made me hungry so we had a picnic. Mommy's friend Danny came by to hang out with us and we also ran into another friend of Mommy's from work named Kim. We had a great day full of fun, I look forward to our next trip up there. Here are the photos:
A few other items to note, Mommy and Daddy are training me to feed myself and brush my teeth. both are very fun to do but one can be a little messy.
I hope everyone out there is doing well and enjoying their summer.
Love you all, Luke