I have taken a liking to my moms "trashy mags" as Daddy call them. They're fun to rip apart and scatter all over the house.
I also got my first hair cut on Jan 26th. Mommy and Daddy took me to a fun place called Carnival Cuts in Novi, Michigan. They have lots of cool things for me to do and look at while I am getting my new do. Here I am in my hot rod.
The lady let me drive it until she put the cape on and then I got nervous. I did ok but I have to admit I did cry quite a bit. Once it was over I got a certificate and my curls in an envelope to take home.
And when I was all done we took a group photo. Mommy and Daddy think I look soooo handsome.
I have also figured out how I can look out the window.
Mommy goes to the doctor this Tuesday for her in vitro fertilization procedure (big words for a little man huh?). Then on Sunday she will get 2 embryos put back. We will be patiently waiting for Feb 19th. This is when she will have her pregnancy test to determine if the procedure worked. I hope so because I desperately want to be a big brother.
This is all for now. I will keep you posted.
Love and hugs to all,
I wish you all the best of luck with your procedure. I am quite impressed with the salon you all went to. That is a great concept.
Hi there Luke is really cute, good luck, we hope all goes well in the future.
You look so handsome with that nice haircut. Dont cry just be thankful that you can get haircuts, might not always bee that way. Your Aunt Maria and I are really missing you. Good to hear how much you are running around the house. Best of luck to your mommy with her procedure. We will keep you all in our prayers.
Uncle Josh
I think you look handsome with you new haircut, but then again i think you'd be cute even if you had no hair. I was sure happy to finally get to meet you at xmas, you are a very lucky boy to have 2 great parents. ( i think alot of men could take some daddy lessons from Jake ). Good luck with the invitro, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Theresa
Hi there pumpkin, I am really missing you! I was just comparing your picture from your first post to this picture. I can't believe what a big boy you are getting to be! I'll miss those cute curls but your new haircut looks good! I am very excited for the 19th to find out if you are a big brother yet. I know you will be but we will be praying for it as well. Love and Miss you all,
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