Happy Halloween everyone!! I spent my day with Mom. We hung around the house this morning and then had our first feeding therapy this afternoon. I did pretty well but I did show my therapist my gag and puke. He gave us some homework with a Nuk brush. It's a little rubber brush I can put in my mouth and practice chewing. I went to my therapy session in my Halloween costume. I was a little devil. Mom says this is nothing new from every day life.

Grammy Kris and her friends Hap, Deb and her daughter Emily came to visit me over the weekend. Friday we went out for lunch and went shopping at the mall. Mommy bought me some new jeans because I just keep growing out of my old ones. Saturday, I stayed home with Daddy while everyone else went shopping in Dundee. I guess they had fun because they came home with lots of goodies and wine. Later that evening they took turns reading to me. Emily and Deb read a book to me that my Mommy used to read to Emily.

Sunday everyone had to leave. Here I am sitting on Grammy Kris's lap.

Later that day Daddy and Mommy took me to Wiards orchard. We enjoyed a hay ride and a firetruck ride around the orchard. We also picked pumpkins and bought doughnuts in the country store.

Mommy later carved our pumpkins and decorated them with glitter.

My meds and treatments are going well. I've even learned to fake cough. I love to imitate Mommy and Daddy and we battle with our fake coughs. I'm doing lots of babbling but still no words. Mommy and Daddy work with me every day on MaMa and DaDa but I just look at them and laugh. I also got a new Spongebob ball. I was afraid of it at first but now I can't keep my hands off of it.

Grandpa and Grandma Otteman will be here this weekend. I'm looking forward to giving them a run for their money.
I will leave you with a picture of me and my Daddy in our matching white t-shirts and jeans.

Until next time,
Love Luke
You are just so cute. A little devil? I think that part you get from your daddy. I was good seeing you this weekend, even if mom and dad didn't let you come home with us. Love, G'ma Ann
Hey Luke!
I haven't written for a while, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten you....or Mommy & Daddy. How much you have grown & you're so darn cute!! You look a LOT like both Mommy & Daddy (but of course, you're a lot cuter!). :) How's it going with the food, big guy? I'm sure you will soon be cleaning up your plate & begging for more!
I loved your Trick or Treat costume. I'm sure that you raked in lots of Treats.
I understand you are getting pretty good on your feet & will be running around the house very soon. It will be a lot of fun running away from Mom & Dad & making them chase you!
Take care, big guy! ...& can you give Mom a hug for me? Thanks! Vi :)
I really enjoy all the neat pictures of you and the Little Devil out fit was a great choice. i hope you are doing better with the swallowing. You will soon say more Mom. I hear i will get to see you Thanksgiving.
Love, Gr.Grama Dorothy
Luke: Your the cutest little devil I have ever seen. Sandra J
Lukers, you are growing so much and are so handsome. Mommy and Daddy are very blessed to have you in there lives. I can't wait to see you run around at your first birthday party. tell mommy I lover her, and tell your daddy hello from neeners.xoxox Janineer
Hi Luke! I was just thinking of you and your mommy and thought I'd check out your page and see how big you are getting. Oh my gosh!!! You are sitting up and smiling so big!! I havn't seen pictures of you since you were really teeny tiny!! Love your web page, you are absolutely adorable!!! :) Sharon Cervantes
Hi I seen your Grandma Chris at my brothers funeral.She is so proud of you luke.and i checked out your website a lot and show it to Great Grandma Bev.i think the whole family is really a loving ,caring family.Take care Cookie in Davenport or Ggoofy32 Kids call me Grandma goofy
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