Really, has it been two weeks since my last post? Sorry for the long delay, I guess I haven't had much to say. Last Thursday we had my U of M appointment and we were supposed to have a lung function test done. The computer they use for the lung tests crashed so I couldn't get it big deal, right? WRONG. For this test you have to sleep and have an empty belly. The test was scheduled for 9 am so Dad got me up at 3:30 in the morning and fed me and then had to keep me awake until 8 am when Mommy got home. After a quick shower for Mom we all headed in to Ann Arbor. It was a long day for all three of us and now we get to do it all over again this Thursday, hopefully everything works out this time.
I was weighed and measured while at U of M. I was 13 lbs and 13 ounces, 24.6 inches long, and my head circumference was 16.9 inches. I am getting to be a very big boy. I have been eating very well and have had great "movements" this week. I will be weighed again this Thursday so we'll see how much I've gained.
What else is happening...I'm starting to sit up on my own pretty well. I can sit up for a minute or longer without any help. Here's a pic of me sitting up.
I roll everywhere instead of crawling still, but I am practicing crawling. Here's a pic of me playing on my belly, it helps me build the strength I'll need to crawl. Then there's a pic of me helping Daddy pick good music, I rolled all the way over to his CD rack (about 15 feet) to check out what tunes we have.
I hope to talk to you again soon. I'll leave you with yet another cute picture of me. Bye, for now.
Looks to me like you are checkin out the Bob Dylan cds...Thats good keep listenin to music like that and you will grow up smart and cool...And I'll show you even better music than daddy has when you come visit in Philly....
You are so cool little man. It looks like all those CD's would be a whole lot of fun to get into. I think Mom and Dad are going to have their hands very full very soon. I'm not sure there's a whole lot of music that's worth listening to there though. When you get to G'ma's house I'll play you some music that's worth listening to. You are growing up too fast. We miss you. Happy 7th birthday tomorrow. Love G'ma and G'pa.
Happy 7th months old. Also congrats on your weight gain, make sure you keep it up. You are getting even more handsome everyday. Can't wait to see you again. Tell dad and mom we say hey.
Love and miss you
Deb, Emily, and Kayla
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