Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It was an EGGcelent weekend!!

Happy Easter everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. I know I did. Not much has been going on here. The weather has been very cold and snowy so I haven't left the house too much. I've gone shopping a couple of times so mommy and daddy could get ready for Easter. We went out to eat Saturday night with daddys friend Ed at TGI Fridays. I was pretty good through dinner but I was getting hungry and tired so we had to leave.
On Easter morning, I had my bath and then we colored Easter eggs. The Easter bunny left me 6 eggs plus a basket full of movies, an outfit and a toy for the car. Here are pictures of me coloring my eggs.
Here are a few pictures of me with my basket and my eggs. Aren't my eggs pretty?
Later that afternoon, while I was sleeping, mommy and daddy watched the movie Open Season. They really wanted me to watch it with them but I couldn't hold my peepers open long enough. I woke up when the credits were rolling. Luckily daddy taped it for me to watch later.

I will be visiting the University of Michigan on Thursday so I will update you all later this week. Here is one more picture of mommy, daddy and I. Hugs and kisses to everyone.


Coffeemomma said...

I hate to tell you this, Luke, but it may be awhile before you're in that easter outfit you got. It looks a little big. :)
But we loved looking at your eggs, they sure are pretty!
-The Randalls

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great Easter Luke. Your Easter eggs turned out very nice. Good thing Dad taped Open Season for you it's a good one. See you soon little buddy.
Jason Unruh

G'ma and G'pa Otteman said...

Those are some pretty cool looking eggs, Luke. We can't wait to get to see you again later this month. It looks like the Easter Bunny was very nice to you. He must know you're very special. Happy Belated Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke,
Love the easter eggs. Looks like you had a good easter. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Say hi to dad and mom for us. See you soon.
Deb, Emily, and Kayla