Well, that didn't work. Sunday afternoon I was still in pain and Dad found what he thought was blood in my urine. So, we headed back to Ann Arbor. This time we went to the University of Michigan hospital ER since my pulmonologist is at U of M. I had blood taken, and IV put in, urine and feces sampled, X-rays taken, and even an ultrasound of my tummy done. Some good news came then; the blood Dad thought he had found in my urine was actually oxalate crystals due to dehydration, not blood. We spent another 7 or so hours in that ER before being admitted and getting moved to the pediatric floor. I was admitted for dehydration and gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach/bowels). I was weighed as I was admitted; I was 8 pounds and 14 ounces.
Mom, Dad, and I spent Sunday and Monday nights in that hospital room with another sick two year old and her Mom. The room is about 20 feet by 12 feet and then split in two, half for the other little girl and half for me. So, we had a 10 by 12 foot room...not very comfy for three people, especially for me when I was sick and having bad tummy pains. Mom and Dad did their best to comfort me, but David W. Young knew exactly how to help me. David Young is the guy who discovered acetameniphen. Tylenol and I are now good friends, without it I wouldn't have slept all weekend. The doctors kept me on a diet of Pedialyte for all day Monday. I had no problems keeping it down and I even like the taste, the doctors said most kids hate it. Monday afternoon my pulmonologist visited me and decided that my enzymes did not need to be adjusted, instead she decided I should start taking Zantac (rantidine) twice a day. Late Monday the doctors let Mom feed me two ounces of formula and 2 ounces of Pedialyte. I kept that down no problem and was pretty pain free all night.
Dad got up early Tuesday (today) so he could go home to shower and go to work. Mom and I got up and I had 3 ounces of formula for breakfast. I kept that down so they said I could go home!! Mom fed me another 3 ounces at 11:30 this morning just before Dad picked us up. Dad dropped us off at home and headed back to work. I slept most of the day today so that Mom could get a shower and get caught up on a little house work. So, I've been puke free since Sunday morning and I'm pretty pain free and smiling a lot today. I also had a normal, non-oily, not very stinky bowel movement today too!! For me, this is a big step. I don't have a bunch of new pics, but here's one of me sleeping in my glider.
Grandpa Larson is coming in on Friday and staying until Tuesday, then we are done with house guests for a little while. Hopefully it will be nice out so we can get out of the house for a little bit. I'm just itching to get that stroller of mine out to Lillie park. There are nice concrete paths for me to "stroll" on. That's all I have to say, I need my rest now. I love you all.
Hope your feeling lots better. Hope the blanket kepts you nice and warm. Tell dad and mom we say hi. See u soon.
Deb, Emily & Kayla Millwright
Sorry to hear you're under the weather! Hope you feel lots better soon.
-Ben Randall (and his mom and dad) :)
Sweetheart, you sure keep your mom and dad on their toes. We're so glad you're feeling better. I know mom and dad we're pooped too. They are doing such a great job with you. You sure picked good parents. Can't wait to see you mext month. I had hoped to come up the end of this month but doesn't look like that'll happen. Love you, Give mom and dad a big hug and kiss for us. Love, G'ma Ann
Ah little Lukie...you are a real trouper. I'm so sorry you have had to do so many things the hard way. But there couldn't be many little guys that have so many people rooting for them, as you do. One thing you must have already noticed your Mommy and Daddy are awesome!!! Hugs from cousin Candy B
Hi Lukie,
Grandma Kris is so happy that you are feeling better! I talked to Mommy today, and she said that you giggled for the first time yesterday!!! She also said that you are really wanting to sit up and hold on to your toys. What a special time for you to start discovering your toys. Keep up the good work and keep those smiles coming.
Love and Miss you so much,
Grandma Kris
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