Hello everyone. Sorry for the long delay in posting, we've been really busy around here. Mom and Dad have been busy buying stuff for the house and getting my playroom set up. I went to the doctor on Monday to get a shot and when they weighed me I was 8 pounds 4 ounces. I haven't gained as much weight in the last week as I should have. I'm going back to the doctor on Friday for a weight check.
My breathing treatments are going well, here's a pic of me doing it all by myself...kind of.
I'm also starting to like playing more and more. Mom and I are playing with different toys every day. We have just recently discovered my piano. I love hitting the keys and hearing the music I create.
That's all I have for now, we have one more weekend before the storm. March is full, Gma Kris and friends will be coming the first weekend, then Gma and Gpa Otteman and Dad's brothers will be here the next weekend. The third weekend will be really rough, it is Mommy's first weekend back at work, I sure hope Daddy can handle me on his own. The next weekend, Gpa Larson is here, then the final weekend Mommy works AGAIN. Hopefully April will be a little slower. Take care everyone, I'll leave you with a picture of my beautiful smile.
Hey cutie, you are getting so big and handsome.. I am so happy that you are gaining weight.. You are probably the busiest baby I have ever met. I know that you are worried about daddy when mommy goes back to work.. He will do just fine, mommy on the other hand is going to need a bunch of extra kisses and hugs it is hardest on the mommies when they go back to work.. If she cries just give her one of your cute faces to make her smile
Thats alright Lucky Luke. Keep gaining weight. I cant wait to come see you in a couple of weeks. You will have a full house it sounds like. Glad to see that you are holding the nebulizer on your own. Okay well I love you and keep up all the good work see you soon.
Uncle Josh
Nice smile. You're getting so big. Able to hold your own nebulizer. What a talented little boy. If you're having trouble gaining weight your cousin Midge and I think MOm and Dad should let you come and stay with us. We seem to have no trouble gaiing weight and could show you how it's done. Can't wait to see you inn a couple of weeks. Love, G'ma Ann
Hi Luke, Amber, and Jake
Me and Seth say hi. Love your junk food diet on the earlier post, you are sooo lucky. The rest of us has to diet. Thanks for the pictures. You are doing so well. The thing about Mommy going back to work is then we think the bond is even better, because then you are missed so much more and those smiles at the end of the day when she comes home and is tired are really refreshing. Tell Mommy I'll see her around
Great Grandma Dorothy said
to be tough and full of love.
God loves you and so do I.
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