Again, I have been slacking on keeping everyone up to date on my adventures. But I assure you, we have been plenty busy. I am going to slowly update our summer. Let's start off with August. I kept myself busy by playing with my friends, driving my mustang and gator, swim lessons and speech sessions.

Mom and Dad also sold our house in August! They traveled to Michigan at the end of the month to get our play set from the back yard. We were so thrilled to have it here with us in Iowa. I started preschool at Cardinal Elementary on August 29th. My teacher is Ms. Bollman and my teacher aide is Tammy Current. My Mom and Dad take me to school everyday and pick me up. No bus this year as they wanted me in the a.m. class and my parents said no. So I go 5 days a week from 12:30-3:15.

Now for September. Grandpa Otteman took us to the lake house for the Labor Day weekend. Jason, Jessica, Kenley and Kyanna joined us too! Here I am doing my treatment and showing Kenley how to play Angry Birds on my Ipad.

We had tons of boat time! Here is Jason and Kenley.

Dad, Brynn and I.

Me and Kenley.

Jessica and her girls.

When we got back a bunch of ducks had swam up to our dock. Mommy went and got us some bread to feed them. Brynn was in love with the ducks.

The next day, we got to do some fishing.

It also gave Dad and I a chance to chat.

Brynn got in on the action too.

My Godfather Jason and I.

Grandpa let us all take turns driving the boat.

The girls :)

When we got back from our boat ride, we had a cat fish on our line!

Here are the Unruhs.

And our family.

We took a long walk around the lake. When we got tired we piled into our stroller.

Before we went home, we stopped at the town park.

Sis and I sat by a beautiful fountain.

Here we are in the hamster wheel.

We were being silly and decided to lay in it.

One last group picture by the lake.

Brynn had her 18 month check up with Grandpa on September 8th. She weighed 23.2lbs and was 32 1/4 inches tall. She is talking up a storm and cracks us up all the time. She loves to put Daddy's underwear on her head. She kind-of looks like a nun :)

We've also been lucky to visit the farm quite often.

Here is Great Grandma Loujean and Brynn snuggling.

We closed on our house at the end of September so Mom and Dad went to Michigan again to meet the movers. All of our stuff is now in storage in Toledo, OH. Once we find a house they will be bringing our stuff to us. That's all for these two months. October has been extremely busy. I will update you on that month soon.
Love and hugs to all,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse