We'll start off with my appointment at U of M. I weighed in at 35lbs 9oz and 40.25 inches long. Dr. Arteta thought I looked good and no changes were made at this time. We did tell him we are moving to Iowa and he said we should start making our transition to Univ of Iowa soon.
On Friday, April 22nd, Mommy drove Brynn and I to Iowa. I must say we did an awesome job traveling. Lots of rain but no real issues.
Right away the next day we met up with Jessica and her daughter Kenley, Danielle and her daughter Chloe and Grandma and Grandpa Otteman, for an Easter egg hunt at Maquoketa State Bank. We had to wait until they said "Go"! I was dying for this blue egg right in front of me. I skipped picking up any candy and went for all eggs!!

When we were done I got to open my eggs to find out what was inside. I got lots of dimes and quarters and one egg with a piece of paper that said PRIZE!! I got to go pick a prize. I came back with a big red ball.

Later that afternoon we colored Easter eggs.

And then we made birds nests. Grandpa Bob told Grandma Kris that one container had sugar in it but instead it was salt. Boy, were those nests salty. Luckily Grandma Kris had enough stuff to make a new batch with sugar!

The next morning was Easter. Here is what the bunny brought us.

Deb, Emily and Kayla Millwright stopped by with more presents. Look at my giant container of cheese balls!! I had cheese balls for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We went outside and hunted for more eggs.

Brynn had fun pushing her baby in her new stroller.

Grandpa Bob and I put together a puzzle.

Then it was time to put the eggs in the nests we made. We later ate them with our brunch. Grandma and Grandpa Otteman joined us.

Brynn got dressed up in her crown and boa.

On Monday, Emily and Kayla took us to Build-A-Bear.
Here I am kissing my bears heart and then placing it inside the bear.

Brynn enjoyed watching her bear get stuffed.

We then had to wash our bears.

And then pick an outfit and get them dressed.

I got a Star Wars themed dog with the Star Wars theme song and Darth Vader outfit.

Brynn got a bear with hearts on it and a pretty sun dress.

We got to walk around the mall for a bit and ride in the ice cream truck before heading to Red Robing for lunch.

Of course we went to visit Great Grandma Dorothy. We had fun playing with her toys. I found the airplane.

Brynn had fun giving Great Grandma toys.

I got a big hug from Grandma before we left.

We also visited the farm while we were home.

Here I am with Great Grandpa Scott.

Great Aunt Kathy came for a visit with her daughter Dawn, and her girls Jayla and Macyn.

Jayla and I went outside and looked for kittens. Then we sat by one another at lunch.

Grandpa Otteman got out the Mustang car for us. I had fun driving Brynn around the yard.

We had so much fun in Iowa. We're really looking forward to spending our summer there. The only down side of our trip was Brynn and I getting sick. We both had fevers for a few days and a cough. Brynn also had hives for a few days. Mommy took us both to the doctor when we got home and I am back on Cipro for my cough. We're working really hard to get healthy again. This winter has been really hard on all of us. I'll leave you with a few pictures of Brynn sitting in some of her favorite spots. She loves to sit in anything she can fit into.

Love and hugs,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse