I hope this blog entry finds everyone in good health and happiness. I wish I could say the same. We have been battling the icky cooties in this house most of the winter :( I came home sick from school on Monday, March 7th with a fever and cough. By Friday, I was back on oral Cipro for 20 days. I had to stay home from school for 2 weeks so my parents could give me treatments every 4 hours and to avoid the hospital. Unfortunately, Mommy and Brynn caught the bug too. Brynn went to the doctor on the 10th for her 12 month well baby check-up and ended up sick the next day. She weighed in at 20lbs 14oz and 31 inches long. She is in the 93rd percentile for height! On the down side, she had a double ear infection and wound up on Amoxicillin for 10 days. Mommy was on heavy duty decongestants and saline rinses. She ended up on antibiotics after 2 weeks also. I am happy to report we all survived and after about 3 weeks we were cootie free! But now it seems I have contracted another cootie and so we are trying to eliminate it early with more treatments. Here is a picture of Sissy and I when we started feeling better.

Brynn also graduated from her high chair to a big girl seat at the table.

She loves to sit with her feet up and eat.

On to something better. I went to the pediatric dentist on March 25th. I did an excellent job! They counted and cleaned my teeth and at the end I had watermelon toothpaste. Next time they said they would take x-rays. They said I did so good that they gave me lots of gifts :) I think I will go back again.
Here is a picture of Brynn on her way to have lunch with Daddy.

I was showing Sis the correct way on how to push her baby in the shopping cart.

On April 9th, Daddy took me to a robotic contest. We had fun sitting in the bleachers at EMU and watching high school kids compete in different games with their robots. On Sunday, Mommy took me to my very first movie, Hop. We got a large tub of popcorn and had a great time watching the movie.

Ok, now the exciting news. Daddy told us this week that we are moving to Iowa! He finally got the approval from his boss to work from home. Mommy says we are living in Maquoketa for the summer and then we will look for a house in the fall. We are so excited to be close to friends and family again!
Well, that's all for now. Mommy is taking Brynn and I to Iowa over Easter break. We will be home from the 22nd of April until May 1st. Call or stop by if you are around. We'd love to see ya!
Luke William and Brynn Elyse