Let's get right down to it, okay? Five days after my birthday, I was admitted to U of M Motts. I just wasn't getting any better with the oral Cipro. We arrived Wednesday night at 8 p.m. and they quickly got me started. Daddy and Brynn dropped Mommy and I off in my room. The internal medicine doctor came in and told us they would draw some blood, start my i.v. and also get a chest x-ray. We had all of this done by 10:30 p.m. and then they were able to start my i.v. antibiotics. I never cried one time. Everyone thought I was such a good little boy!
The next morning we were really busy. Breathing treatments, doctors, physical therapy (they did some hand percussion on me), child life (they provided me with "entertainment" and gifts), dietitians, and nurses of course. I wasn't able to eat or drink since midnight because they were eager to get my PICC line placed. Mommy was eager too because she wanted to take me home as soon as possible. Mommy was able to accompany me to get my PICC line. We finally got to go around noon. They gave me some Fentanyl and Versed to make me sleepy. Funny thing is, I never went to sleep. Instead I was awake the whole time and trying to talk. Mommy said I was slurring my words and talking very slow. She thought it was pretty funny. When I was done they had to take a few x-rays to make sure it was in the right place. Then I got a bunch of gifts for being such a good boy! Here is my name that the child life people made for me to hang in my hospital room. It now hangs on my bedroom door.

Just before dinner Daddy and sissy arrived. Sissy didn't stay long because she was hungry and tired. Mommy took her home and Daddy stayed with me. Daddy took me to the lounge to play Ms PacMan!

The next day my doctor said I could go home because my antibiotic levels were perfect. We were so excited!! While we waited for everything to be set up, I went to the gym with my physical therapist to get in some exercise. I did the trampoline, rode a bike and played with some balls. It was a blast!

Mommy and Brynn came around 2 p.m. so we could learn how Mommy and Daddy were going to give me my medicine. My meds and supplies were delivered around 3 p.m. and then we were on our way home. My home health nurse, Sherrie, met us at our house after we got home. She did an assessment on me and told us what to expect. She said she would be coming to our house every Tuesday to change my PICC line dressing and draw my blood. I get my antibiotics every eight hours and breathing treatments every four hours. Here I am getting my meds. This was Daddy's first time giving me my meds.

I also have a pouch I can wear around my waist so I can still be mobile with my meds.

So far we have done well at home and I should be finished with everything on January 5th.
Now on to happier things. Grandma and Grandpa Eaton came to celebrate Christmas with us! On Thursday, Grandma, Brynn, Mommy and I made sugar cookie dough. I had fun dumping in the ingredients and helping with the mixer.

After dinner, we rolled out the cookie dough and cut out our cookies. Brynn enjoyed eating the cookie dough :)

Grandpa and Macie supervised.

We spent Christmas Eve hanging out and eating. Grandma, Grandpa and Mommy went out for breakfast and then shopping at the candle store. After dinner we decorated our cookies for Santa. I loved putting on the frosting and sprinkling little snowflakes on my cookies. Once again, Brynn just wanted to eat hers :)

Here are our cookies for Santa.

Grandma and Grandpa gave us a Frosty the snowman book that they recorded and read to us. I play it almost every day.

Then Daddy read us The Night Before Christmas. We didn't sit very still for the story and it ended pretty quickly.

We woke up the next morning to a load of presents!

It didn't take us long to have them all open. Mommy and Daddy spent a good part of the morning taking everything out of the boxes.
Brynn got a dollhouse from Santa.

I got an airplane!

We also got blankets from Grandma and Grandpa. Mine has airplanes on it and Brynn's has lady bugs. She likes to dive into her blankies.

Grandpa Larson sent us some Vikings gear. Here I am with my new hat!

That night we had a big Christmas dinner and played with our new toys. We had such a good time.
Now for a few random pictures. Brynn sure loves her ducks!!

She also enjoys pushing her new shopping cart. Her baby is in front and her purse is in back. She is pulling herself up, standing alone and saying "yeah" and "read".

I also surprised my Mom and brushed Brynn's hair.

I made Mom give me a ride on my lion. I'm a little big for it now but I didn't care.

Here we are all ready for the Vikings football game. Daddy got to actually go to the game because they were playing in Detroit against the Lions.

I hope you all had a great holiday! We sure did. Now we are planning our trip to Philadelphia to celebrate cousin Marlee's 2nd birthday in February.
Until next time,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse