October was a crazy month. Let's start with the 1st of the month. We left for Chicago on Saturday to stay in a hotel near the airport for our trip to Florida! We left Sunday morning and boarded our plane to Orlando. This was mine and Brynn's first airplane ride. Brynn slept the entire time and I kept busy with my Ipad and suckers. We arrived in the late afternoon to our resort and right away hit the pool.

Our resort had 10 pools and 2 lazy rivers. Not to mention the playground, mini golf, water slides and splash pads. So much to see and do just on our resort. Here are some pictures of our resort from our balcony.

Of course we had to try our our jet tub.

The next morning, Mommy took us to the pool for a morning swim.

Daddy joined us later.

After dinner we played mini golf.

On Tuesday, we all went for a drive to Daytona Beach. This is our first time at the ocean.

Here's Brynn sticking her toes into the Atlantic for the first time.

I really loved the waves and the water was pretty warm.

Brynn had a great time chasing the "ducks" or what we would call birds.

Here is her Baywatch action shot.

We all got in on the chasing "ducks" action.

My family at Daytona.

Here we are with Grandma and Grandpa.

Tuesday night, our cousins arrived. Here we are chilling in our bed.

Wednesday we went to Disney World!!

We arrived around lunch time so we stopped at Casey's Corner for some hot dogs and fries.

Here is the beautiful castle.

Brynn got a ride on Uncle Josh's shoulders.

We first rode the carousel. Here I am with Grandpa. Brynn rode on the inside of the carousel with Grandma so Mommy was unable to get a picture of her.

Next, Daddy and I rode Dumbo. Uncle Josh and cousin Marlee were behind us.

Time for a giant sucker! I had this sucker all day until we got back to the hotel late at night.

Mommy and I on the Winnie the Pooh ride.

Brynn was mesmerized on the ride.

Then it was time for It's A Small World.

I chilled with Silas in our stroller.

I got a chance to drive a race car! When we were done, they gave me an official Mickey Mouse drivers license. I went again with Grandpa because I had so much fun!

Here is Uncle Josh and cousin Marlee in their race car.

Here is Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria, Marlee and Silas getting off the Peter Pan ride. It was so cool being suspended from the ceiling in a giant balloon.

We watched the electric parade and then went to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

On Thursday, we hung around the resort in the morning and then went to Aquatica in the afternoon. Aquatica is a giant water park connected to Sea World.
On Friday, we went to Sea World! Here I am touching the sting rays.

Brynn enjoyed the aquarium. She could of stayed there all day.

After a very heavy rain storm, Marlee and I got our faces painted.

I had to check it out in the mirror when I was done.

Here is the finished product.

We were late getting to the Shamu show so we had to stand. Daddy did take me to the splash zone for a while so I could get a little wet.

After visiting the penguins, we played a penguin game.

We all won a penguin. Of course Brynn called it a duck.

At the end of the day, we went on the Journey of Atlantis ride. Mommy and I are in the second row.

Here, Daddy and I are in the first row. I wanted to get extra wet. I ended up going on this ride 3 times. I would of went more if we had more time.

Saturday and Sunday Florida ended up having constant downpours. We stayed at the resort and played games all day and then had a birthday dinner and celebration for Grandma that night. Sunday we had to leave Florida. The plane ride home was great!
The week after we got back, Mommy had an interview at St. Lukes hospital in Cedar Rapids. Mommy and Daddy also went house hunting and found us a house in Marion. By the next week, we had a new house and Mommy had a new job! We won't be moving until Dec 1st. I also had my check up with Dr. Ahrens on October 19th at U of I. I weighed 38.3lbs and was 41.5 inches tall. I've gained 2 pounds since moving back to Iowa! They felt I looked great but decided to add azithromycin to my daily routine for the winter. This will help with lung inflammation so hopefully I won't get sick.
On Friday October 21st, we went to the farm for a hayride and pumpkin picking. We ended up taking 7 pumpkins home to carve!

The next day we met Ava, Caleb and their parents at Papas Pumpkin Patch for some more fall fun.

Mommy and Brynn saw these cool white pumpkins.

We took another hayride.

They had a hay bale maze, animals and pumpkin bowling. We thought it was fun to roll the pumpkins down the hill.

When we got home, Mommy and Brynn carved a pumpkin for Great Grandma Dorothy.

Here we are taking it to her house.

We also carved the other 6 pumpkins later that week. Well, Daddy and Mommy carved while sis and I had a snack :)

Here we are with our finished pumpkins.

October 28th was my friend, Kenleys, birthday. We went out to eat at Happy Joes and then to the YMCA for a Halloween party. They had a haunted maze, games and a hayride through the cemetery. When we got home, Dad set up the tent in the basement so we could "camp out". Sis and I had our snack in it first.

Brynn got her first black eye right before Halloween.

We went trick or treating on Sunday the 30th. Our first stop was the farm.

We then went to Grandma Kris and Grandpa Bob's house. Kenley came with us too!

I continue to do well in school and like it so much. I had Mom turn on some music one night so I could color. I surprised her by showing her that I could draw a stick figure. My teachers at school showed us how by playing the video Mat Man. Mom had to google Mat Man just to figure out what I was talking about. I told her to take my picture just like they do at school.

Well, that was our crazy month. Next time I write we should be in our new house and I will be another year older!
Love and hugs,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse