I hope everyone is enjoying the change of color this fall. It certainly is beautiful here in Michigan. On September 24th we took advantage of the nice weather and joined my class for a trip to Trabbic Farms. They had a huge selection of pumpkins and animals. We also got a chance to take a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins. They gave us popcorn for the ride out and then donuts and cider for when we returned. The farmer then pulled out a huge pumpkin ride that would pull us around the farm and spin us in circles. What fun!! The only problem was the wind was blowing around 50 mph. Very dusty but lots of fun! I have no pictures to show you because Mommy thinks they may have been erased from the camera :(
On September 30th, Grandpa Larson had to have surgery in Minnesota. Daddy left Michigan to be with Grandpa to take him to the hospital and then spend time with him after surgery to help out. That meant Grandma and Grandpa Eaton got to come spend the weekend with us so Mommy could still go to work. Here is a giant card Brynn and I made for Grandpa Larson. I am happy to report he is very well and getting back to speed.

Here is sissy with Macie.

Brynn also got to try out her duckie tub for the first time. She loves to splash in the water. We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Lots of quality time together while Mommy worked and slept. Bad part was I was not feeling well. I had got quite the cold a few days before they came. Also, Mommy caught the bug too :(

October 5th, we went to U of M for my 3 month check-up. I weighed in at 34.3 lbs and 39". I actually had gained a little weight despite my enzymes not working since June. Dr. Arteta had to switch me to the very last option of enzymes called Pancreaze. This medication is new and just started being produced in September. He also suggested I go on an antibiotic for 20 days to clear up my cold. If I wasn't feeling better in 5-10 days I was going to have to be admitted to the hospital for more aggressive treatment. I am very elated that did not have to happen. Mommy is also feeling better too. It took us both a long time to shake this nasty virus. And, my enzymes are finally working :)
Thursday October 7th, we took a short drive to Houpt's pumpkin farm in Dundee. We met other families from the Monroe ISD to enjoy an evening of fun on the farm. We took a hay ride, walked the corn maze and played golf. My favorite!

We joined the Randall family on October 9th for the annual Buddy Walk. This year we traveled to the Palace of Auburn Hills where the Detroit Pistons play. We had wonderful weather as we took a stroll around the Palace. I also got to take a ride on a train with Toby and his dad Scott.

Later, I got to meet several characters from Star Wars. Here I am with Obi Wan Kenobi.

I also got a picture with one of the sand people, a storm trooper and Darth Vader.

Here we are at the starting line. All the good guys from Star Wars started us off.

The bad characters from Star Wars and cheer leaders from the Detroit Pistons welcomed us at the finish line.
I got to carry Ben's sign for a while during our walk.

Afterwords, we decided to go to Rain Forest Cafe for lunch. I got close to an alligator, elephant and fish.

Here is Brynn and I in our Vikings gear getting ready for the Monday night football game.

Brynn also got to sit in Mommy's rocking chair from when she was a little girl for the first time. This chair was given to Mommy by her Great Grandma Scott. It now sits in Brynn's room.

Last but not least, we had dinner with Amy, Justin and Harrison on October 19th. I had a great time playing with the ball popper and Brynn played next to Harrison. We all had a great time chatting and playing while eating pizza.

We are looking forward to Halloween and a trip to Pittsburgh to meet with Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria and Marlee the first weekend of November.
I will leave you with a picture of me and sissy being silly in my sunglasses.

Love and hugs,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse