What a wonderful end to a great summer! Brynn had her 6 month check-up with Dr. Weinberg on Monday August 30th. She weighed in at a whopping 16lbs 14oz (67th percentile) and was 27 1/4 inches long (93rd percentile). She is a growing girl!
Mommy also had a babysitter come for a day so she could get some sleep after a long night at work. Here we are with our sitter, Amber.

Thursday, September 2nd, we traveled to Iowa to spend some time with family and friends. We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Otteman. I had a great time using the bubble machine while doing my treatments.

Grandma Ann cuddled with Brynn and managed to get her to sleep.

We spent Friday and Saturday having fun with all the Grandparents (and Macie too). On Saturday evening we all went to church for Brynn's baptism. Mommy and Daddy felt it was best if I spent time with some family friends while everyone else was at church. I met up with them afterwords for pictures.
Great-Grandma Dorothy joined us for the occasion, along with Grandma and Grandpa Eaton.

Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Scott also made it to church.

Here is Pastor Judy Heinrich.

Emily and Kayla Millwright were Brynn's sponsors.

Grandpa Larson looked nice with Brynn.

Grandma and Grandpa Otteman along with Uncle Jason.

We had a nice party at Grandma and Grandpa Otteman's house. Here is Brynn's beautiful cake.

Mommy and Daddy also got her a nice bouquet of flowers with lady bugs in it.

Here we are cuddling with Uncle Jason.

On Sunday, we went and spent some time with Midge and Louie.

We then had brunch with Grandma Bev at Grandma and Grandpa Eaton's house. It was so nice to see her since we don't get to very often. Deb, Emily and Kayla also joined us for the yummy quiche.

Sunday evening we headed to Jessica and Jason's house for a cookout. Grandpa Larson pushed Brynn in a toy car. She loved it!

I spent some time in the sandbox with Ava, Caleb and Kenley.

Then it was off to jump on the trampoline with Ava.

We had a great dinner and lots of fun!!

On Tuesday, September 7th, we had Preschool orientation. It was nice to get back in my classroom. Thursday was my first day back to school. Mommy took my picture right as the bus was pulling into the driveway. I had a great first day and enjoy going in the afternoon.

Brynn also got her two bottom front teeth. If you look really close you can see them.

She loves to chew on carrots! By the way, she is sitting up all by herself.

Mommy had a good laugh about what I chose for dinner one night. Macaroni and cheese, cheese poofs and cheese slices. HOLY CHEESE!!

I continue to go to tumbling once a week and school Monday through Thursday. I have my routine appointment at U of M the first week of October. Oh, and one really exciting bit of news....I AM POTTY-TRAINED. WOOO HOOOO!!!!! Mommy and Daddy took me shopping to pick out my new underwear. I am so proud of myself.
I will leave you with a picture of myself and sissy. We really love each others company :)

Love and hugs,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse