As summer is coming to a close, I thought I would update my blog again. As always, my sister and I have been keeping very busy. My final tumbling class and speech session was on August 17th. I enjoyed the tumbling so much that Mommy signed me up for the fall/winter session that runs until December. After that, Mommy says I have to take swimming lessons. Here are a few pictures of me at my last class. I am attempting the unthinkable; a somersault.

On August 20th, Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria and cousin Marlee traveled from Philadelphia to spend a few days with us. Saturday was a rainy day so we went to Jungle Java. It is an indoor play place and cafe.

Saturday evening Brynn had her first taste of baby food. Mommy gave her green beans. I don't think she really liked them. She had a few bites and that was it. Since then, she has eaten a whole jar each day at lunch. She really liked the squash, sweet peas and carrots.

Sunday, we went to the Toledo Zoo. It was the perfect day to see the animals. Here I am with Daddy.

We got really close to the gorillas.

I also took a walk through a beautiful garden.

Later in the day when it got hot, I took a refreshing dip in the stream at Nature's Neighborhood.

Marlee and I took turns hatching from an egg.

I also got a chance to pet and chase a goat.

Mommy and I were truly impressed with the hippos this year. They came really close and opened their huge mouths to eat. We spent a lot of time watching them as I kept asking for more.

Of course a trip to the zoo means a visit to see the polar bears. Here we are being silly next to the giant stuffed polar bear.

Uncle Josh spent some quality time with Brynn.

On Tuesday morning, Mommy lined us up for a photo. This is the first photo of the cousins together. Aunt Maria and Uncle Josh will be adding another cousin in December!

We also got a picture with Uncle Josh and Aunt Maria before they left.

Brynn just celebrated her 6 month birthday on August 25th. She will be seeing Dr. Weinberg for her check-up next week.

We also wanted to let you know that Brynn will be baptized on Saturday September 4th at First Lutheran Church in Maquoketa, Iowa. We will also be having a little celebration party at Grandma an Grandpa Otteman's house afterward. All are welcome to attend.
Last but not least, I will be going back to school soon. I found out that I will be attending the same school but will have a different teacher and I will also be going in the afternoon.
My treatments have been going well and I have been staying healthy. They did have to change my enzymes due to the FDA pulling my Ultrase off the shelf. They were not FDA approved and so they are hoping to have them approved soon. In the meantime, I was changed to Creon capsules but they did not agree with me. I have had some stomach issues for a while now and therefore not absorbing my food. I was recently switched to another medication called Zenpep. We are hoping that this medication will work. So far my absorption is getting better but not quite there yet. I will keep you posted. Looking forward to our trip to Iowa Labor Day weekend. I will leave you with a picture of Daddy reading my favorite book by Dr. Seuss and sissy and I playing the piano.

Hugs and kisses to all,
Luke William and Brynn Elyse