Hello to my friends and family. So far this spring has been loaded with lots of new adventures and great weather. Here's a picture of me with my Daddy and sister.

On March 25th, Grandma and Grandpa Otteman came for a visit. Here they are meeting my sister, Brynn, for the first time.

We had a great weekend just hanging out and playing. I also ate corn on the cob for the first time. Yummy :)

On Friday, April 2nd, Grandma Kris and Grandpa Bob came for a last minute visit for Easter. They also brought their dog, Macie. Macie and I had a great time chasing each other around the house. We were both worn out by the end of the weekend.

Daddy also put together my new play set. Here are pictures from the beginning to the end. I would help by handing him screws.

More pictures of me trying out my new play set.

Here is Grandma Kris feeding my sister and Grandpa Bob holding her.

On Saturday night we enjoyed a nice Easter dinner and then dyed Easter eggs. Brynn got in on the action even though she was sleeping. Mommy helped her dye and decorate her eggs. I even decorated an egg for Macie.

On Sunday morning Brynn and I woke up to Easter baskets full of toys and books.

After breakfast we went outside and hunted for Easter eggs. I found close to 50 eggs in our yard!

Happy Easter everyone!

On Sunday April 11th, we went to downtown Ann Arbor for the annual Festifools parade. It was a beautiful day.

I also had my visit at U of M on April 13th. This is the time of year when I have my chest x-ray and blood work done. I was a good boy and received lots of stickers. I also weighed in at 32.2 lbs and grew half an inch. They said my weight gain since January was a little over 2 lbs. Dr. Arteta was happy with my progress and made no changes in my treatment at this time.
Again, I would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone about Great Strides. You still have time to sign up for the walk and make a donation. Any donation is appreciated. You can click on the link below to make your donation and sign up to walk with me. We continue to be excited about all the new research that is being conducted. If you would like to learn about new medications and treatments, you may do so by visiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website found at the right side of my page.
I will leave you with a picture of our new family of four (our hands that is) and a picture of me and my baby sister at her 1 month b-day.

Love and hugs,
Luke William