Happy holidays to my family and friends. What an exciting couple of weeks. We had a house full of family for Christmas. It was so much fun getting to play with my cousin Marlee and have Grandma, Grandpas, Uncles and an Aunt to have so much fun with. Everyone made it by Christmas Eve. Daddy even got out some of my old toys for Marlee to play with. I had to show her how to play my piano and then I did my treatment on my chair.

We had a big family dinner and then decorated cookies for Santa!

After making cookies Daddy showed me where Santa had been and where he was headed. It was really cool to see Santa flying through the air on his way to my house.

Christmas morning, we woke up to a huge pile of presents. I got so many neat things. A talking Elmo, books, marble race tower, puzzles, Tag Jr books, clothes, games and playdoh. So many new things I didn't know where to start. We had a great day playing with toys and enjoying a lot of food.

Here's Uncle Jason and I taking a break.

Grandma and I playing with my marble race tower. Certainly one of my most favorite gifts. It has been a permanent fixture in our living room ever since.

Daddy, Mommy and Grandpa Viking played Candy Land with me. Of course I won several times.

Then Uncle Josh and cousin Marlee had to get in on the action.

On Sunday, Grandma Ann, Grandpa Bill and Uncle Jason headed back to Iowa. For the next two days it was just Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria, Marlee and Grandpa Viking. On Monday night, me and the guys stayed home and watched the Vikings game while Mommy and Aunt Maria went to see a movie. We did lots of cool guy things.
Monday morning, Mommy and Daddy took me to U of M to get my cast off. It didn't hurt and I got lots of stickers for being a good patient. I didn't want to walk on it at first, but by the next afternoon I was running around again.
On January 6th I had my routine appt at U of M. I weighed 30.7 lbs and was 3 ft 1 inches tall. No new changes in my regimen this time. Dr. Arteta said I looked great and he would see me in April.
January 25th I took my first trip to the dentist. Mommy went first so I could watch what they do. I wasn't scared at all, that is until it was my turn. I sat in the chair, put on the "bib" and some really cool sunglasses. I even got to play with the "water gun" and "mr. thirsty". But that's where it ends. No more for me. With much reluctance, my hygentist got a quick look in my mouth and then we left. I will go back in 6 months and try again. She said everything looked good so far.

Sunday, January 31st, Mommy and Daddy took me to see Sesame Street Live in Detroit. We left kind-of early so we of course had to stop at my favorite breakfast spot, Tim Hortons, for some yummy donuts.

When we arrived, we were amazed at the beauty of the Fox Theater. We had great seats and the show was awesome. Lots of lights and music. I also got a new light up Elmo toy. At the end they shot off streamers and confetti. I had a streamer in each hand as I walked out.

On our way home we stopped at TGI Fridays for lunch. We were so tired that we came home and had a big nap.
Well, that's it for now. School is going great and I still go 3 times a week. I have been making progress in my speech and also started potty training. I love to sit on my potty, just still not sure what I should do. I will keep trying though.
Love to everyone,
Luke William