Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all got lots of candy, I know I did. Let me start off with a visit from my Grandpa Larson. He stopped at our house on his way to and from Philadelphia. We had fun building big towers together with my legos.

I also had my 3 month check-up at U of M on October 8th. I weighed in at 30lbs 2oz and just over 3 feet. Dr. Arteta was checking me over when he thought my liver felt enlarged. He decided to order an ultrasound just to make sure. Mommy went to a meeting for my nutritional study while Daddy took me to my ultrasound. I sat very still for my belly pictures and was very fascinated with the whole process. When it was over Mommy was waiting for me in the waiting room. A few days later we found out everything was okay. Thank goodness. Dr. Arteta says sometimes people with CF have enlarged livers and this means more medication. We feel very blessed everything was okay.
During the weekend of October 23rd, Grandma Kris rode an airplane to come visit me! We had a great time hanging out for the weekend.

On Sunday, we traveled to Wiards Orchard for our annual fall trip. We started off by saying hello to the lamas and goats.

Then it was off to touch the BIG pumpkins.

Next, Daddy took me down the huge inflatable slide. WEEE!!!

And then my favorite, the hayride through the Valley of the Lost.

This year we decided to do the corn maze. We did very good and didn't get lost. It was a lot of walking but I was up for it.

I also spent some time playing on the play equipment. I am getting really good at climbing ladders.

Here I am driving a tractor.

We then went looking for our perfect pumpkins. I picked this one. I sat on it to claim it.

After dinner we all carved pumpkins. I didn't really like touching the ooey gooey mess that is inside. Mommy insists on saving all the seeds and baking them. Daddy carved Trick or Treat in his pumpkin and Mommy carved a monster into mine. She was so tired after carving mine that she just put a simple face on hers.

On October 30th, Mommy took me to school for our Halloween party. We went trick or treating in a couple classrooms and played games in the gym. We had a great time! Later that evening, Mommy and Daddy took me trick or treating in downtown Milan. This year I was a monkey. I even carried my own candy bucket this year. The weather was 70 degress, little warm but still fun. Don't mind the last few pictures. Mommy's camera was on the fritz. I guess it's time for a new one.

And now for a school update. I will be going three days a week now because I am doing so well and enjoy my friends. Mommy and Daddy have decided I will no longer ride the bus in the morning because it is just too early. I don't like to eat breakfast that early. I now get to sleep an hour later and have time to play and eat before Mommy takes me to school. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see some of you at Thanksgiving as we will be in Iowa for the holiday. I will leave you with a picture of me on Sandy the horse at Meijer. Mommy lets me ride the horse if I am a good boy while shopping.

Luke William