We had a busy two weeks while Grandpa was here. A major yard work project was completed to clean up an ugly part of the backyard, the new laundry room closet was painted, and floor tiles were placed in the laundry room. Of course we made sure to get a lot of play time in between working too. All the dirt hauling meant multiple lawn mower rides for me!!
The day after Grandpa arrived our new pool table was delivered. It is called Genesis and is made by Brunswick. Daddy thinks it is his pool table but it's really mine.
Grandpa also arrived just in time for the start of football season...I mean real football, as in the NFL, not that college stuff. Daddy has decided it may be a good idea to not watch Michigan football this year. Here's me making a face at the ref for screwing up another call against the Vikings.
We discovered that I am a really good dice player too. When I was on Mommy's team we won so Daddy took me from her for the next game and he won!! I like throwing the dice and watching them bounce and roll around the table.
Grandpa did my treatments quite a bit while he was visiting and he even taught me to hold my own nebulizer.
The most important thing that happened while grandpa was here was a complete surprise. While picking up some supplies at the man store (Lowe's) one day we came across a swing. Daddy had looked for a swing at 5 different stores but we never found one. We snatched it up and took it home and hung it under the deck. Now I can swing every day, I don't have to go all the way to the park.
When Daddy came home from work today there was a big package on the porch for me. He bought a big Tonka truck for me to play with outside. It is so big that I can fit in the back. Daddy thinks it is really cool.
That's all for now. If you want to see me doing a little dancing check out this video that Daddy uploaded to youtube. I hope everyone is doing well out there. Bye-bye.
PS: Congrats to Eric and Erin Peterson on the birth of their second child, Caleb David, I can't wait to meet him. It was really interesting for Mom and Dad because they said that could have been my name. I was either going to be Caleb David or Luke William. Daddy chose Luke right when he saw me for the first time.