I had my checkup at U of M a couple weeks ago. I had to get blood drawn and new chest X-Rays taken. I weighed in at about 22 pounds and I'm just over two and a half feet tall. I also got switched to a stronger enzyme which allows me to take only one pill instead of four and a half pills. Everything went well, except that we are losing our resident Dr. Hassan. She has been with us since the beginning and we are very sad to see her leave but we wish her all the best in her new endeavors.
We have been staying pretty busy lately. I got my second haircut and it was just as bad as the first, I don't like that buzzing thing on my head. We have also been trying to get outside as much as possible. I like to go to the park and play on the swings and slides. Here's a couple pics of me at the park.
Mommy took me to Toys R Us last week to get me some outdoor toys. She scored big time with my new ATV. Check out the pictures below of me tearing up the yard.
Grandpa Larson was here this past weekend helping Daddy build a wall in the basement and do a little yard cleanup. They also watched the NFL Draft all weekend, Minnesota got a couple good players. I tried to tell Daddy to not get too excited because we still have to wait 4 more months for football to start. Grandpa also mowed the lawn while Daddy was working, I tried to help with my mower too.
That's all for now. Thanks to everyone who has donated to my Great Strides campaign, I've exceeded my goal of $1500 dollars!! I have 3 more weeks before the walk, so there is still time if you wanted to donate but haven't had the chance. I'll leave you with a couple more cute pics, take care everyone.