We made a trip to Iowa for Christmas. First we went out to Lake View to see my Great-Grandpa Otteman. We all (Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa Otteman, and I) rode out together in Mom's big SUV. I had fun exploring a new place and meeting my great-grandpa and my Great Aunt Jo. Here are a couple pics from Lake View:
We spent the rest of our time in Maquoketa between the two Grandparent houses there. My Uncle Scottie, Theresa, and my cousins Kaiden and Maeghan came back from Colorado for Christmas too. I had fun playing with Kaiden and Maeghan and they had fun taking turns feeding me. We all received a bunch of new toys for Christmas and had fun playing with our own and each other's new stuff. Uncle Scottie gave me bath crayons and a very loud lawn mower. He said it was payback for Mom buying his kids similar toys at my age. Here are some pictures from Grandma & Grandpa Eaton's house.
Next we went out to Grandma & Grandpa Otteman's house for dinner and another Christmas. Midge and Louie had Christmas dinner with us and then we opened even more new toys. I also had fun walking around the house with Grandpa. Here are a few pics from Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Otteman's.
While in Maquoketa we took a trip to the aquarium in Dubuque with Grandma Kris, Scottie, Theresa, Kaiden, and Maeghan. We saw tons of different catfish, there are over a thousand different species!! There was an alligator, snakes, frogs, and even three river otters. There was also a lot of historic information about the great Mississippi River. The aquarium also has a few really old boats and a bunch of models and pictures of old steamboats.

Dad, Mom, and I spent New Years at home and I just happened to wake up at 5 minutes until midnight so I rang in the New Year with a little tired crying. Mom and Dad were real party animals, they played Rummy and Scrabble in front of the fireplace.
Lately I've been doing great, I'm walking everywhere now and constantly getting into anything that looks fun. I love hanging out in my playroom full of toys and just playing with Mom & Dad or watching Spongebob Squarepants. Recently I have also learned that I can climb stairs...look out world. I haven't figured out down yet, just up, but I'll be working on down soon.
I have also been battling my first cold. Lots of coughing and congestion but my pulmonologist has decided not to treat me with antibiotics unless I have a fever greater than 100.4 so far the highest temp has been 100.3 I'm slowly getting better with extra breathing treatments and percussion and postural drainage done by Mom and Dad.
I have my 6 month pulmonary function test this month at U of M. It's a lot of work for Mom and Dad to get me up at 3a.m. but it's all over by noon and then we come home to eat and sleep.
Mommy has started her hormone injections this week. The plan is for the invitro procedure to be done the first week of Feb. Here is a picture of Mommy's meds. Note: everything seen here is an injection except for the three pill bottles. Daddy has taken on the role of nurse and has been giving Mommy her shots. I feel bad for Mommy but it will be well worth it in the end.
Here is a couple pictures of me with my new toys.
Until next time,
Luke William
P.S. Scotty and Theresa started a blog too. Check it out at http://dtkmscott.blogspot.com