Then last weekend was my big first birthday party. Mommy and Daddy threw a Spongebob themed party for me because I love Spongebob. All of my grandparents were here along with my Uncle Josh, Aunt Maria, and Uncle Jason. I received a ton of new toys and some clothes too. Here are some party pics and some pics of me playing with my new toys.
On Monday I had my visit with my pediatrician for my one year shots...yes, Monday December 10th, my birthday. It was ok though because I got four shots and didn't even cry, Daddy was so proud of me!! I weighed twenty pounds and a half ounce and I am now 29 and a quarter inches tall. This boosted me into the 15th percentile for weight and the 30th percentile for height. I am growing very well and Mommy and Daddy are glad to see it.
I am also getting good at walking. I took nine or ten steps all by myself the other day. I can do it, but I'm still a little scared and sometimes I just sit down instead of walking.
Today I had two appointments at the University of Michigan. The first was my feeding therapy and it went very well. I have started eating lunch meat and I really, really like cheese puffs, although I have to share them with Mom and Dad because they seem to like them a lot too.
I also wanted to say congratulations to my friend Ben and his parents Scott & Kym. Ben is now a big brother to Toban (Toby) Frederick Randall. I hope to get a chance to meet him early next year.
I am looking forward to making it back to Iowa for Christmas in a couple of weeks. We have plans to get out to western Iowa so I can meet my Great-Grandpa Otteman. That's all for now, I'll leave you with some pictures of me with my family that was visiting last weekend for my B-day.