Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gobble Gobble

I have lots of news since my last post. Going back to the first weekend of November, Grandma and Grandpa Otteman came to visit me. We had a good time playing and of course shopping. It's always nice to have my grandparents around.

I've been going to my feeding therapy once a week. Things are going well and I have made great progress. I still have a ways to go but I am hopeful that I will be eating Mommy and Daddy food soon.
I had my monthly pulmonologist appt on Nov 15th. I weighed in at 18lbs and 11oz. I am still in the 6th percentile for weight but my doctors feel I am doing well. Nothing new at my appt this time. They tell me after Dec I will only need to visit them once every 3 months.
Daddy set up a t.v. and dvd player for me in my playroom. It has become a huge hit.

On Nov 21st we made the big trip to Iowa for Thanksgiving. We stayed with Grandma Kris and Grandpa Bob. I also got my first taste of turkey. I was lucky enough to enjoy it twice on Thanksgiving day. I also enjoyed sweet potatoes and squash. We had a nice visit but of course it went by fast. I also tried out my new car seat. I only suffered one meltdown on the way to Iowa. The rest of the time I did pretty well.
Here I am having turkey at Grandma and Grandpa Otteman's house. Notice the smears of sweet potatoes on my bib. I LOVE sweet potatoes!!

Round two of turkey at Grandma and Grandpa Eaton's house. I'm a little tired at this point.

Of course we made our rounds to the family. We spent some time at the farm. Here I am with all the women. Dawn (holding her daughter Jayla-7 weeks old), Claire, Glenda, Mommy and Kathy.

Here I am with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Scott.

Great Grandma Dorothy came over to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast.

At Grandma Kris's house I found my "cheese". I can really ham up the camera when I want to.

We also celebrated Daddy's 30th b-day while we were home. It was fun getting the family together for some yummy cake. I even helped Daddy blow out his candles.

I also spent some cuddle time with my godmother Jessica.

And I couldn't leave without seeing my Great Great Aunt Helen.

Mommy took me to get my Synagis shot on Nov 26th. They of course have to weigh me so they can give me the proper dose of medication. Come to find out I had gained almost a pound in less than 2 weeks. I weighed in at 19lbs 10.5oz!! Must of been all that great turkey.
Now we are getting ready for my first b-day and Christmas. Mommy set up a Spongebob Squarepants tree in my room. Check it out.

By the way, I now have 6 teeth!!!

Until next time,
Love Luke