Here is a picture of me doing my breathing treatment in my glider while watching cartoons. My friend giving me my treatment is Diggy the dinosaur. I forgot to mention daddy melted mr. bubbles, my first nebulizer, a while ago.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
More cute pictures
Greetings everyone. I have a couple quick updates. We went to see my doctors at the University of Michigan on Thursday. First of all, I weighed 9lbs 3ounces and I was 22-1/4 inches long. I still need to work on gaining some weight but we have made some improvements over the weekend. My nutritionist, Hope, started me on rice cereal. She has her own receipe for me. I get 2-4 tablespoons of cereal mixed with my formula, melted butter and brown sugar on top. I have tried this a few times but I don't really want cereal. I just hold it in my mouth and cry. Mommy even bought me the banana flavored cereal thinking maybe I would like that more but she was wrong. Mommy says we will keep trying the cereal for a few more days. Mommy even set me up in a big boy chair at the kitchen table. I'm still a little small for it but when she tucked a blanket around me it was quite comfortable. My doctor also started me on Prevacid. I will take this once a day instead of the Zantac twice a day to help my enzymes digest my food. I am happy to report that I am pooping less and it sinks in the toilet, which means there is no fat in it and I am absorbing my food!!! One last thing, my doctor said my last throat culture showed a few rare bacteria so they are starting me on another nebulized medication in addition to my albuterol. This medication is also once a day and is called Pulmozyme.
Here is a picture of me taking a nap with my toy mr. moo cow.
Here are my keys. They are perfect size for my hands. See?
Mommy thought she would throw this picture in of me in my jeans and polo shirt. How handsome am I?
Last but not least, here is a picture of mommy, daddy and I. They tend to kiss me way too much.
Until next time. Love and hugs to all.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It was an EGGcelent weekend!!
Happy Easter everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. I know I did. Not much has been going on here. The weather has been very cold and snowy so I haven't left the house too much. I've gone shopping a couple of times so mommy and daddy could get ready for Easter. We went out to eat Saturday night with daddys friend Ed at TGI Fridays. I was pretty good through dinner but I was getting hungry and tired so we had to leave.
On Easter morning, I had my bath and then we colored Easter eggs. The Easter bunny left me 6 eggs plus a basket full of movies, an outfit and a toy for the car. Here are pictures of me coloring my eggs.
I will be visiting the University of Michigan on Thursday so I will update you all later this week. Here is one more picture of mommy, daddy and I. Hugs and kisses to everyone.
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